Hologram Theory of Universe: Dream BIG, You Have Nothing to Lose! If the universe is more a simulated reality than a fixed one, why not dream big? You have NOTHING to lose?
The morning after Elon Musk was on Saturday Night Live, May 8, 2021, I tried to find more information about him.
I found a video which asks the question, “Are You Living in a Simulation?” Elon Musk’s picture was on the cover of this video.
I thought, “This sounds interesting,” so I clicked on it.
I believe most mystics, gurus and spiritual teachers teach that what we call reality is a hologram, a projection, not fixed.
I do believe this.
As an example of this, I recently received about 30 Sacred Activations. These are spiritual codes downloaded into my energy matrix shifting my aspect to reality.
Translation: I suddenly am seeing 3D reality as optional.

This is allowing me to better choose, react and detach. In detachment I react with choice, no longer a victim.
I am seeing what I did not see before, leading me further along the path to self actualization. My dreams seem possible to me.
I see possibility, rather than limitations, in this holographic simulation.
SUCCESSFUL TRADING. Suddenly (after 20 years of stupidity in the hologram) I am trading securities without fear. I see things I did not see before. I have insights. I am winning!
CREATIVITY BLAST. Suddenly I have had a huge surge in my creativity. I am creating art from spirit, and using art as a voice for spirit to express itself.
TIME TRAVEL. :) Suddenly I cleared some physical problems from aging I had which plagued me. My thighs looked like a Shar-Pei. My lips were getting as thin as a Wicked Witch of the West.
I discovered some natural cosmetic hacks which “lifted” me back a bit in biological time.
LOVE. I am reaching out to people more. Making friends. Hiding less in the corner of victim.
Former beliefs like “this person does not like me; is not nice to me,” or “I feel very alone,” or “it is difficult to find people on my wave length,” or “humanity is dark,” etc. melted away.
I was walking more in the light of feeling worthy. As I felt more love for myself, I began to find love all over the place.
Suddenly I was having more love in my life, less fear, more understanding and enjoyment in everything I do.
Stripping the Dark Side. All of this came after I passed through a shedding of my karmic blocks by receiving Sacred Activations,
During this shedding time I felt like I was the protagonist in a horror movie. Everything that could go wrong was going wrong, particularly in the area of relationships.
The Light Appears. Then one day, the horror movie stopped running. I suddenly felt lighter, brighter, more optimistic. In this state of mind I felt in command of my reaction to what appeared to be reality.
I could choose what I wanted. I could like what I had. I could say “no,” to what did not resonate for me.
I felt detached and in my power.
I saw that people, places and things that were not in alignment with my vibration, were simply there, but had no power over me.
It was all about LOVE.
When we feel less than, not worthy, unloved, we see all situations as against us.
As I shifted back to LOVE, I began to see all situations were not against me. All situations simply were part of the hologram, not fixed, not reality.
Nothing was to be taken seriously.
This all happened after I received the Sacred Activations. So is this a coincidence or something more?
Well, if reality is a simulation, a hologram, what does it matter?
We create situations in the hologram to back our beliefs.
What if there really is NO absolute reality?
What if reality is simply something we create from a place of LOVE (Ascended Consciousness) or a place of FEAR (Unascended Consciousness).
If all of this sounds a bit too way out for you, I understand, so I will attempt to make this a bit more tangible.
When you cannot create what you want in your life, when you seem to be blocked, it is because you are buying into the illusion that reality is fixed.
Reality is not fixed. It is a simulation, like a computer game, movie or play we created from a belief in lack, uncertainty and failure.
If you start to view reality as a simulation, your fear is lifted. You no longer take reality as dogma.
Rather, you see it as something you can change (play with) in the holographic game.
As I began to see reality as something I could play with (after getting the Sacred Activations) my life changed.
I guess we all need a catalyst to shift us. Or perhaps believing we need a catalyst is another program of the hologram.
I do believe, though, you can begin to live at a higher consciousness and vibration. You can feel worthy, then attract from this higher space.
Enter the reality of love to THRIVE!
Spirit Medium Laura
Here is the video with this idea of reality being a simulation.