How to Start a Psychic Business? Develop your psychic skills to a professional level, spread them around, build your reputation and mailing list. Exact plan inside the article.
HOME BUSINESS SUCCESS: How to start a psychic business.
Here is a simple plan to get started in psychic business.
SUMMARY: L-O-V-E Your Business.
- L – Learn and define the focus for your business. Your business is a method you used to manifest a goal most people really need and you have attained yourself. Ex. Manifest LOVE.
- O – Organize steps manifest this goal. Ex. Manifest LOVE steps with your “FEVER” steps:
- Feel how it feels to be with your partner.
- Engage in meditation realizing a deep, relaxed trance state.
- Visualize yourself with this person.
- Excitement ensues.
- Realize love.
- Verbalize these steps in a
- FREE giveaway and FEE live and and virtual workshops.
- Capture emails of all who get the FREE giveaway or attend your workshops.
- Save emails using or similar email marketing software. Do regular mailings to your email list offering free helpful articles, vlogs or other items and gifts. (Most people do not buy right away.)
- Optimize your website for Google search engine. This brings people to your website. Get them to join your mailing list by offering a free version of your system to Manifest Love.
- Engage the sale.
- After a seminar or workshop offer the attendees a “special price,” to get them booked.
- Create a website where they can pay for and book appointments directly when they are ready.
- Each newsletter you send out invite them to book with you.

1. DEVELOP YOUR PSYCHIC SKILLS. Find a Local place to study.
Ex. Go to Meetup. My meetup is:
3. Study on your own. Buy some DVDs on psychic development. Get FREE Introductory Videos to the Spiritual Channeling Psychic Clairvoyance Mediumship Training I wrote by joining mailing list at upper right of this page.
4. Offer FREE Readings to get experience, testimonials and grow your mailing list. Ex. On Facebook offer free readings in exchange for written testimonials there.
5. Get business cards from Very inexpensive.
6. Start charging after you feel like you are ready.
7. Learn how to market.
8. Follow a Lightworker Business Plan. Here is a Simple Lightworker Business Plan I Created for a Friend.
How to Start A Psychic Business? Create and Follow a Simple Lightworker Business Plan.
(See end of this page for resources on How to Create Your Psychic Business.)
- GET READY. Get a FREE or FEE website. I prefer WordPress blogs as Google tends to give them better Search Engine Optimization (Google to get info on how to do this). Google offers you a FREE blog (; how to do:, which also can be set up to give you great SEO. I recommend you do some “soul searching” combined with good SEO to pick a meaningful and easy name for your blog and purchase it. Ex.
- GET READY. FREE or low fee business cards. Make to match the website.
- GET READY. Use Google Keyword Toolkit. Search for keyword phrases relevant to your business with monthly search volume of greater than 10 and competition less than 2,000,000. Use these keywords in your radio show description.
- GET READY. FREE professional marketing mailing list software. Create an opt in form for this software. Plug this form into first page of your website. Email regularly, at least 1 time per week. I email twice per week.
- GET READY. FREE credit card processing account (fee for transactions). Set up your account with Paypal to accept credit cards. Make a button to take money from customers. Plug into the website you created in step 1.
- GET PROSPECTS. Lead prospects to your mailing list through sharing your story on TV, on radio (You can have a free radio show on, directions below. I have a professional one there at, in person classes, public speaking, networking, social media posts and great Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
- GET PROSPECTS. How to get a FREE Radio Show. You can get a FREE half hour radio show during day at
- GET PROSPECTS. Set up a contest or incentive to join your mailing list. Ex. Win a free ½ hour phone reading by joining our mailing list. Or get a free ½ hour phone consult with me (coach). Or get a free Channeled Meditation MP3 (ex. On something people want like Past Lives, Weight Loss, Attract Love, Attract Money, Improve Self Esteem, Get Over an Ex, etc.) by joining our mailing list. Or Get a FREE Report on Irresistible Attraction Steps.
- GET PROSPECTS. You have to find a way to talk about what you do. I suggest creating your story and then simply drawing from this as basis of your message. Having a message makes talking about what you do effortless!
- GET PROSPECTS. SEO is life blood of my business now. Lisa Witter is someone I used in the past to help with this. Her website is here: She does not do social media marketing, which I do not feel works that well anyway. :)
- GET PROSPECTS. Most of my prospects come from SEO, both local and global. I do this very well and can help you with this generally and especially with a WordPress blog. I also have created a marketing funnel for myself which works really well based from my radio show on BlogTalkRadio, simultaneously recorded to youtube, videos placed on my website with ongoing good SEO.
- SELL your services. Have scalable product offerings starting with low fee to higher fee services.
- SELL Digital Products.
- FEE Teleclass on irresistible subject (attract soul mate, instant theta meditation, instant attraction meditation, etc). Sell the tape as a fee based MP3 product downloadable off your website. Set up to take payment and redirect to download file area after payment.
- Other digital products.
- SELL Consumable products.
- Need help getting started? I do business coaching in one on one sessions. Very informative and helpful. Go here to book.
RESOURCES for How to Start A Psychic Business
E-COURSE: “Create Your Holistic Business” – Want to love your work? Want to attract success by flowing with the energy current of your soul?
Join mailing list at upper right of this page to get first chapter to the e-book on which course is based.
“Create Your Holistic Business,” will help you get in touch with your soul’s mission on this planet, then gently bring it into the world. You will learn the simple LOVE business blueprint success system to discover your ideal prospects, create a system, get the word out and then close the business.
The e-book has over 40 – 8.5 X 11″ pages of helpful examples, details and features. The video course has workshop videos and workshop presentation and includes the e-book.
Spirit Medium Laura
When I started my psychic business I hired a business coach, did a lot of free work and began to develop a reputation. More inside article.