HOW TO ATTRACT LOVE: How to Get Unstuck. When you are lonely you can become very stuck in what to do to find love. This article offers some ideas to get unstuck.
As a medium and a psychic I get a lot of clients desiring to attract a committed love relationship.
They want to find the one, get over the one, entice the one, and release the old one and/or get the new one.
The answer that spirit channels through me usually comes down to the same theme.
When you love yourself, you will attract love.
So if you are not loving yourself in some way, ignoring your feelings, your intuition, your dreams, your authentic self, you will tend to attract a relationship that is not loving towards you.
You will not attract love because you are not loving yourself.
Funny thing how metaphysics works. We attract exactly who or what we are.
Some ways to love yourself include:
- commit to find work that you enjoy and pays well,
- develop your gifts and talents,
- find a way to use your gifts in service,
- create the best monetary situation you can for yourself,
- live in the best, cleanest, most organized, prettiest home you can create for yourself,
- create the ideal body in which to drive through life, etc.
If you are lacking inside you will attract lack from the outside.
The best way to get started on doing this is JOY Journaling. This is a process where you spend ten to fifteen minutes a day writing down what you really want in life in gratitude statements as if this already happened.
This works really well for me and others. I personally started to see achievement of a goal I had for over 20 years using this technique, when all other attempts had failed. (More on this in future articles.)
Here is an example of JOY Journaling. “I am so happy and grateful that I have arrived at my ideal body weight, now feeling and looking my best. “
However, at times JOY Journaling is not enough. There are times when you are so blocked that you cannot even think of what you want.
Maybe you are so obsessed about getting someone to love you, you cannot think about loving yourself.
Today I had a client like that. The woman wanted to know if a certain man loved her, if he was seeing someone else, if things would ever return to where they were in the past and so on.
Spirit told her she needed to love herself, but that was not clear to her.
When you are obsessed with looking outside yourself for love, instead of inside, the act of loving yourself will not seem clear.
So how does one love themselves when starving for love?
Spirit told her much to my surprise to take up art (drawing, painting), creative writing and to do volunteer work with puppies in a shelter.
Why? Because this would allow her to begin to open a relationship with herself which had been so neglected in her obsession to get someone else to love her.
It is easy to say you have to love yourself before you can attract the right partner, but doing this is a bit trickier.
Here is some channeling from Ascended Master Dom Ignacio (The Ones) on how to attract love.

Dear Spirit Guides, how can a person attract love, their ideal mate?
We are here. We all love YOU very much! So you are already loved.
It is in the earth vibration that you think you are alone, then crave love. However, nothing could ever be further from the truth.
You each as souls are so loved it is almost inconceivable to us in the world of spirit to imagine how it must feel to you to be so alone, empty and forgotten as you do at times.
We as your loved ones in spirit want to remind you to look inside when you feel this way.
Ask your heart the question “How would I feel if I was not alone? What would I do with myself? How would I live?
Then start doing this now.
Everything you want is there already. You simply need to start exercising your right to have it.
So for example if you felt you would go out more to listen to live music if you had a significant other in your life or travel more or have companionship more, you should start doing these things now in a group setting or with friends.
The more you live the life you think you will have once you are with your significant other, the more you will attract your significant other.
Only do what you feel you would be doing when you have this person. This will bring the right person to you, almost automatically.
We love you and want you to find love. These are our words to you to realize this.
Amen. Namaste,
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
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