HOW TO ATTRACT LOVE. When we set goals our soul really wants (not what our ego says we can have) spirit rushes in to support the process.
Recently I was working with a client. She wanted to know from her guides how to make more money.
Much to our surprise her Spiritual Guides told her:
“You know how to make money and lots of it.
Ask yourself now, ‘What do you want more than anything else in the world that you do not have?’
You will not say money. You will say LOVE. So we suggest to you to concentrate on finding love before money at this time in your life.
This will bring you the greatest joy.”
Quite often we mask what we really want with something we believe we can have, something we have already mastered. This is the ego (our fearful mind) masking our soul (our infinite self).
We use our ego which is fear (false evidence appearing real) to rush in and protect us.
We create the illusion that we are in control. In a universe without God, there are no miracles. There only is the limited self, the ego delivering what it can to support our happiness.
So if you set a goal for something you have already mastered you not only can feel in control because you know how to reach that goal, but in turn you feel temporarily happy.
Notice I said “temporarily” happy. Setting “quick fix” goals can give you a short term “high,” but a longer term low. Keep that in mind.
The next question asked by my client to the Spiritual Guides was,
“OK Spirit Guides, so how do I find love? I have tried and tried but always come up with this lack of success? How do I find love?”
The Guides answered.
“You find it in yourself first, then others will come to you. The more you give the more you get.
So ask yourself who you can give to? Who needs you? Then give to those people.
Before you know it you will have LOVE in your life again: a new friend, suitor and lover. An attractive partner who needs love and companionship as much as you do.”
My client then asked a very intelligent question.
“But if I were to give to my ex, for example, he would not give back. He is a sad, damaged and angry person. He would take, not give. So who do I give to?”
The Spiritual Guides then said through me,
“Of course you already know the answer to this question. You give to yourself first, then to those around you who would give back and appreciate.”
I thought this a very interesting answer. It reveals the trick our ego constantly plays on ourselves. This trick actually PREVENTS us from reaching the goals that would bring the most lasting joy in our lives.
When we are trying to reach a life goal, quite often we trick ourselves into pursuing COMFORT goals. Like “comfort food,” a comfort goal can provide short term success, but not long term satisfaction.

So the takeaway here is to review the goals you are setting for yourself. Are they “comfort goals,” or goals you truly desire at a soul level.
When we set the deeper, more meaningful goals, spirit not only rushes in to support us, but we evolve to joy.
We feel our feelings, then address them. We stop hiding from our self. We address the deepest ache withing our psyche, approaching its expression, and achievement.
The goals that evade us are those our soul set for us to reach. They are the goals to provide most deep satisfaction, evolution and lasting joy, when achieved.
If you are not sure you are setting SOUL BASED GOALS, a session with spirit could help reveal them to you, moving you along your evolutionary path to JOY!
Happy Holidays!
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private session with spirit through Laura at