How to Attract Your Soul Mate is accomplished by understanding your current negative energy projections, clearing them and creating new, positive ones.
This morning an email entered my inbox which spoke about attracting love into your life. I suddenly felt a pain in my chest.
I felt in front of my heart a dark coat of energy, immediately recognizing this as a block to my ability to love again. As a medium I tend to see things clearly on a spiritual plane as they happen.
I realized I needed a clearing, so did a heart chakra clearing meditation. While I was doing this I received a text message.
There was the newest love interest sending me a sweet message about getting together again. We had had a second date the night before.
I met this love interest I kid you not, right before the virus pandemic hit. I was sitting in my back yard doing a meditation to attract my soul mate.
Earlier that day I had had a strong feeling I wanted to do so. After this feeling a sudden daydream came to me of a new man in my life. I did not realize at the time, this was a vision of something to come.
As I dutifully followed the meditation exercise as written in the book, I imagined my perfect partner, my soul mate, walking towards me.
I live on a golf course, so my visualization included that idea. As I sat there doing this exercise, my imagination took over completely, blurring the line between what was real and what was not.
I began to feel so irresistibly a man was REALLY walking towards me across the golf course. Finally, I could no longer contain my curiosity. I opened my eyes to peek.
There on the other side of the golf course an attractive man was walking towards me! In a stupor I sat there paralyzed. Finally I arose to greet him.
We chatted and finally exchanged phone numbers. He did follow up. We had one date before the virus pandemic. I did not hear from him much after that.
Then after a while we had our second date, but I did not yet feel anything for this man.
This morning an email crosses my path talking about attracting love.
I feel my heart area has armor around it. I do the visualization exercise to clear this away.
The new man texts me.
Wild coincidences or destiny fulfillment? What is this all about?
I believe this is evidence of how connected we are to the creation process of our experience. The universe is made up of a magical, potent, and very real elixir called energy.
We have minds. When we learn how to use our mind to create, we become powerful beings realizing our full potential.
We evolve to JOY!
What you think you create. What you feel you attract. It is all very clear.

So if you are looking to attract your soul mate, call in your one love, it is important to be cognizant of what you are thinking, feeling and projecting.
This love adventure did not work out specifically for me. I believe this experience happened to illustrate, how powerfully the mind creates experiences.
Do not ignore your power! Use it now! Commandeer your psychic mind to project desired outcomes.
Then observe the outcome. It will shock and surprise you!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Spirit Medium Laura