HOW TO BE HAPPY – Learn how to evolve from the darkness of despair to the light of JOY! Embrace earth’s current opportunity to flourish.
Yesterday I was asked a few times by different people for help with anxiety and depression. I interpreted this as a topic needing to be addressed right now.
you know we are all in the throws of a global pandemic. Many of the
things we used to be able to do, that we relied on for our happiness,
are no longer there.
We are stripped to the raw material. What lies beneath the distractions of day to day living in the Western World?
Perhaps we were masking a center of loneliness, emptiness and anxiety with external distractions like
- parties
- crowded bars, restaurants, etc.
- live concerts, music, entertainment
- movies, live theater
- indoor gaming, betting
- live sporting events
- travel, cruising, tours, adventure.
Now we are forced in this new state of emptiness to simply be.
There are several ways to deal with this.
Some ways are NOT sustainable like addictions.
Some ways ARE sustainable like fulfilling our creativity.
Creativity is your connection to Higher Source, God, the Divine. When you open your creative treasure chest, you are aligning with a sustainable flow of exciting possibility, discovery and adventure.
“What,” you might ask, “if I am not creative? What if I have no core or center of expression. I need others to fill my personal emptiness.”
I say, “EVERYONE IS CREATIVE, no matter how empty you might feel right now.”
So if you are stuck at home more now, this is the time to explore who you are at a core level.
I was thinking of taking up drawing and painting because I was an artist as a child.
I get such vivid pictures from spirit, “If only I had the skill set to mark them to paper,”I think so often.
Now is my opportunity to change all of that!
What is your opportunity right now? What have you been wanting to explore but have not found the time to do so before?
WHO? Who are you? What do you really want in life?
DO. Take up journaling and writing to explore your core.
LEARN. When you find something out about yourself you want to improve study ways to do that and then do it.
JOY? What are you not getting now that you feel you need?
DO. Take steps to give that to yourself.
LEARN. Learn how to give that to yourself.
ADDICTION? What if you’ve begun drinking too much alcohol because you are bored in this most trying time of “nothing to do?”
DO. Take up a NEW, FUN, STIMULATING hobby. Maybe you always wanted to learn how to sing, yodel or speak a new language.
LEARN. Find a live zoom class on it. Find a video on it and go at it.
this hobby can simply be hiking. Go out and explore nature or if you
are in an urban setting, take up walking for adventure of new
neighborhoods. Add friends into the mix. The possibilities are endless.
What if your creative hobby depends on close contact with people?
I used to do ballroom dancing regularly. I am a pretty good dancer if I do say so myself. It is one of my creative outlets.
Now I can’t do it as it is a “contact” sport.
Maybe there is another way to enjoy physical movement that is creative. Maybe I can choose to learn new steps and routines via virtual learning until the health horizon changes.
What if you have gained a bit of weight because “eating” has become your new hobby?
DO. Make weight management and healthy eating your new hobby! Start eating in a way that improves your health.
LEARN. Start learning about holistic nutrition and practicing it to lose weight. Maybe once you learn, you can create the stimulation of leading a virtual group on healthy eating for weight management.
We are social animals, us humans, yes! We need social contact to THRIVE.
So in the age of shut down, we have to be creative to alleviate our social withdrawal.

Spiritually speaking this is a time on earth for a HUGE shift in consciousness, much like a Renaissance.
Nothing happens as an accident. Now is the time for you to open your heart to your connection to source.
Now is the time to move your mind from mundane to mystical, to the divine realm of ECSTATIC JOY and SUSTAINABLE HAPPINESS!
Do not LOSE this opportunity! Embrace your chance to evolve.
Many on earth will remain in the lower vibrations of earth. They will continue to struggle there, fumbling in the darkness of discontent.
However, many at this time will take a HUGE STEP forward entering the realm of the divine while still on earth. They will connect to source, illuminating their consciousness to sustainable joy and happiness.
This is happening now. Earth now houses two vibrations. One of negation. One of illumination.
There is no longer the wide separation from earth to the world o spirit. The two “locations” are merging into a continuum of consciousness, from dark to light.
Your depression, your lack of happiness, has a purpose and a meaning. It always had this purpose. It always will.
Your lack of happiness is your chance to evolve to JOY!
Embrace your chance to make that leap!
Other Considerations
Once I had some huge losses in my life, which sent me spiraling downward into a depression so virulent, I felt it physically in my body.
After trying several natural remedies such as Sam-E, 5-HTP, St. John’s Wort, etc., my sister said to try Choline Bitartrate, Inositol and vitamin B1.
I tell you, I don’t know what the heck was in that combination of supplements but within 2 to 3 days I felt my mood lifting completely.
The take away here is being happy depends on a holistic multi-pronged approach. You might have a chemical imbalance caused either because of your environment, including not enough exercise, poor nutrition or a lack of endorphins from lack of social contact.
It could be caused by a genetic predisposition to be depressed.
I hope these ideas can produce for you a happier life, and the knowledge that you have some control over your mood.
You can be victorious, not a victim!
Sending YOU beautiful bands of rainbow light!
Spirit Medium Laura