How Can I Be SUCCESSFUL: REAL WEALTH from RIGHT WORK. How to align with your true essence so success flows to you rather than you fighting to find it!
When you think about it doing work you really do not like, have a talent or desire to do is probably the least prosperous thing you could do with your life!
only are you spending each day in the turmoil of tumultuous incongruity
with your occupation, but with this “feeling,” you probably are not
even excelling in the position itself.
This not only leads to lack of energy, daily sadness and a feeling of low self esteem, but it effects how much money you can earn at this job or career.
Any career
or job done because you HAVE to do it, rather than you LOVE to do it,
will never provide prosperity. You will strike out in many ways, but
mainly these three.
1. You will never excel at something you do not have the talent or enthusiasm to do.
2. You will never make the kind of money you could make if you did have the talent or enthusiasm for a particular job or work.
3. Your health will suffer. You might get colds more often or feel tired a lot. This is to be expected when you are working against your basic nature rather than with it.
4. You will never have the supernatural forces of higher vibration guiding you to the right opportunities, feeling the right intuitive guidance and living out the prosperity of your destiny fulfilled, your soul’s plan for this life time.
I worked many years in the business world doing what I thought I had to do, but certainly not at something I felt particularly suited to do.
I was in software sales and marketing. To be honest, I really did not like selling at all! I cringed at picking up the phone and prospecting, but force myself I did.
I did like various ancillary activities surrounding the position, but I knew deep down in my heart, this was not the right work for me.
When I finally retired early in my late 40s with a mound of money, I was bereft of peace, happiness or fulfillment.
I was empty, angry, exhausted, tense, anxious, controlling, arrogant, defensive and difficult to be around.
I had no idea who I was, what were my gifts and consequently held very low self value or self worth.
everything I had earned over the years doing work I hated doing
EVAPORATED! I lost all the wealth I had painstakingly created over
years of forced work for money.
I stood in the rubble of my life, I cried and stamped my feet.
Ironically, when I stopped crying I was still in the same situation.
Having a tantrum did not work either! :)
The only thing that worked was realizing I had to move forward.
If it was to BE, it was up to ME!
I thought about doing something I loved to do to see if I could earn money at it. This something was and is metaphysics.
work was natural for me. It was second nature. I had been raised
around it, my mother being an early light worker. No accidents.
Prosperity seemed to follow me rather than I fight for it. Work, ideas and creativity flowed.
I was onto a new path. A beautiful path, of love, light and fulfillment.

Channeling Begins
you align with your true nature, real wealth appears. It seems as if
your life is charmed, like you are led, like the work and the money
flows to you, rather than you fighting to attain it.
This is SOUL ABUNDANCE. When you live as your true nature, your soul, your life takes on a magical flow of prosperity.
Here are the steps to activate your SOUL ABUNDANCE.
1. LET GO in meditation. Follow a daily practice of mindful meditation for 10 to 30 minutes daily. Do this instead of trying to fix your life, being unhappy or dragging your feet in quiet desperation. This will allow you to
2. OPEN to your soul plan. The more you live mindfully in the now the more your purpose activates and expresses. Living in the now helps you
3. VIBRATE at a higher frequency to
4. ENGAGE your GOD flow. GOD stands for Guidance, Opportunities and Destiny.
Stop fighting your life. Start flowing your life.
Evolving to SOUL ABUNDANCE is enhanced by adding things you love into your life more and more.
The first place to start is to love yourself.
Little things like what you do with your time after work can help tremendously speed up the SOUL ABUNDANCE activation process, raising your frequency and what you attract.
We hope this channeled lesson in living the life you desire was helpful to you.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
Spirit Medium Laura