How to Become a Medium. Techniques Mediums Use to Get Souls to Speak. Forgiveness After Suicide. How Spirit Coordinates Lessons Through Mediums.
Monday night’s radio show (9/23/19) was outrageous. At the beginning of the show I described the story below, which includes a suicide and forgiveness.
Then, unexpectedly, during the show at least two Otherside connections were suicides. Each soul asked their respective sitter (caller to show) for forgiveness. Each sitter cried uncontrollably.
This demonstrates how spirit is coordinating the connections they bring to earth through a medium for the purpose of amplifying their message of healing to happiness.
Monday they brought the souls in most relevant for the story I told at the beginning of the show so that the entire show would be about forgiveness after suicide, why it is important, how to do it if you can’t and how special each soul is, etc.
Here is link to Monday’s radio show. It was outrageously DIVINE!
Here is the background story which story reveals how leaving space for a soul in spirit to communicate is critical to receiving blocked information and demonstrating how real spirit is.
A week ago I was the medium at another GREAT afterlife research mediumship session, with Voices Across the Veil.
We had three sitters, each connected to a soul in spirit who died from their own actions in some way!
Dennis Grega, Ph.D., the researcher, pointed out that the spirit world coordinates the souls and sitters who show up for these sessions.
This demonstrates the spirit world uses these sessions for efficient healing and that are consciously participating in them. This, in turn, helps us see how REAL the spirit world is.
There was one soul whom I had trouble bringing forth. I knew the sitter wanted more than her grandfathers who did show up.
She looked restless as I tried to “bring in” this other soul for her, but that soul remained absent.
Finally after doing the two other sitters with their respective loved ones in spirit, revealing the theme of self inflicted death, I went back to her.
It also demonstrates there is a conscious intention behind the communication. We are not simply reading the Akashic Records.
We are communicating with a distinct consciousness who just happens to have a higher frequency body.
Yesterday I was the medium at another GREAT afterlife research mediumship session, with Voices Across the Veil. We had three sitters, each connected to a soul in spirit who died from their own actions in some way!
Dennis Grega, Ph.D., the researcher, pointed out that the spirit world coordinates the souls and sitters who show up for these sessions.
This demonstrates the spirit world uses these sessions for efficient healing and an intentional consciousness is participating in them. This, in turn, helps us see how REAL the spirit world is.
There was one soul whom I had trouble bringing forth. I knew the sitter wanted more than her grandfathers who did show up.
She looked restless as I tried to “bring in” another soul for her, but that soul remained absent.
Finally after doing the two other sitters with their respective loved ones in spirit, revealing the theme of self inflicted death, I went back to her.
I sat there as the medium allowing space for this soul in spirit to appear.
Suddenly I “saw” the flash of a picture of a man with a motorcycle. I asked the sitter if this meant anything to her.
She jumped on it. “Yes!” she cried emphatically.
The soul was somewhat forthcoming about his life on earth, from that point forward, except there seemed to be an emotional block.
He did not show warmth or say he loved the sitter, which she obviously did him.
From this I knew I had to get to how he transitioned. I felt intuitively this was critical in some way. Yet, he would not show me.
As a medium, I have learned to not try to “force” information from a soul. I leave space instead, gently inviting a response.
Suddenly a clairvoyant image was flashed to me. The soul was transmitting his tragic passing.
I described what I saw to the sitter. She started to cry in validation.
It was like a dam had been broken.
The soul felt lighter, spoke more fluidly and communicated more warmly.
Finally he told the sitter he loved her.

He seemed to be emotionally relieved at finally being able to speak to her about this, to offer her closure, understanding and acceptance.
A healing to happiness from heaven occurred.
Spirit Medium Laura
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