How to Become More Intuitive in 3 Easy Steps: Let’s Get Lucky!
When you learn how to turn on your intuition life becomes a bit magical.
Today I am working on preparing my existing home for sale. I have lots and lots of cleaning, staging, and packing to do.
The circumstances leading up to this move on hindsight have been VERY magical indeed.
Read on to learn how to turn on your magic with intuition.

Step 1: Pay Attention to Your Feelings to Learn How to Become More Intuitive
Over a period of a few years I have had an urge for a change. When I get an urge, I pay attention as this is the first step of how to become more intuitive.
I have watched many videos on about digital nomads, van dwellers who travel, tiny house living for personal freedom, living in foreign countries for a more adventurous life at a lower cost of living, and so on.
All of these scenarios have one major thing in common. Personal freedom. Downsizing can provide someone the chance to live more freely, to travel, have peace of mind and so on.
Little did I know at that time this was something I was craving. I simply was enjoying the videos.
As I went through this exploration of freedom life styles my current living situation became more and more arbitrarily difficult to maintain.
I was paying more and getting less to live where I lived. I felt saddened and restless.
These feeling were my soul telling me I needed to make a change.
If you feel negative, you are out of connection with your soul purpose. Joy is the way your intuition talks to you about your purpose.
If something feels fun, joyful and you are drawn to it, this is your soul talking to you about where you belong.
Follow these feelings and you will get lucky!

Step 2: Pay Attention to Lucky Coincidences to Learn How to Become More Intuitive
As all of this was going on I met a girlfriend. She was having so much fun where she lived. Parties every night.
Lots of people around her, things to do and friends.
This was all a byproduct of where she lived. As she continued to share her lifestyle with me over several months, I began to realize she had more of what I wanted.
As I explored where she lived I realized this was a good fit for me.
Finally I decided to look at property there.
The second condominium I looked at fit me like a glove.
This condominium had everything I had in my existing place, except improved!
I had white tile floors which were the curse to keep clean. This new place had wood and terracotta flooring. Perfect.
I loved my existing kitchen. The new place had the same cabinets, countertops and appliances almost like a parallel universe! Freaky weird.
The walls in the new place were newly painted the right color to match all of my existing furniture.
Another weird coincidence about the new place is that it would offer me the some of the adventure and lower cost of living of the freedom life style but without having to move to a foreign country or into a van and travel constantly.
The new place would cost less to live and had a highly diverse, international population, stimulating for me.
I could get all of the freedom life style, yet remain in my current vicinity.
I fit perfectly into this new place!
Is this a coincidence? When you learn how to become more intuitive you follow the lucky coincidences.

Step 3: Follow the Signs to Discover How to Become More Intuitive
I tested the idea of making this move by offering to the seller a less than optimal opening bid on the condo.
As I sat in the extreme discomfort of limbo, I made a vow to myself. If this less than optimal offer is accepted it is a sign this move is on my path.
To my surprise the offer was accepted.
After this I felt so relaxed and confident. I knew I was on the right path.
As well I knew was living intuitively. I was being led by my soul to a more prosperous and rewarding life style.

If you are wondering how to become more intuitive these are the steps.
- Pay attention to how you feel.
- Pay attention to coincidences.
- Follow the flow of signs and signals.
Spirit Medium Laura
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