Many that come to me for mediumship would like to better receive messages from their loved ones in spirit.
Here is a brief outline of how to do this and a story about what happened to me yesterday as an after life communication with my mother occurred.
How to connect to your loved ones in spirit.
- ASK. When you are trying to solve something in your life one of the most important steps is to relax and ask. Stop trying to find the solution yourself. Ask spirit for an answer. As well, ask your loved one in spirit for help.
- SURRENDER. You need to take some time off from trying to solve the problem yourself. It would be good after asking to take a break, go for a walk, go on a trip, go out with friends or family, etc.
- BLANK CANVAS. Spirit needs your blank canvas upon which to imprint its message. If you are working on the problem, you have your canvas in use. Let Go and surrender is part of this process.
- RELAX. It might be a great idea to take a meditation at this point. You need to find a way to get your mind receptive to receiving. When we are in a relaxed state of mind the answers can be slipped into our head by spirit. If we are all tied up and tense about something our mental energy is too dense to penetrate.
- RECEIVE. Don’t worry about this step. If you get the three steps above correct you will find this step will happen automatically. Simply be open to receiving signs and symbols as they arise. Listen to this story to get the details of how this works.

Yesterday I had gotten very confused about what to do to move my business from service to products and residual income.
I love working with clients of course, however, it is important for you, me and everyone to have several streams of income for financial security.
If something happened that prevented me from delivering the work directly of spirit to clients, I would have other ways to do so through product sales.
So yesterday as I processed the prior week’s work, I realized everything I was trying either did not work or was being thwarted in some way.
So rather than get anxious of this and continue to try to break through the barrier I went out with a friend to a craft festival.
I was exhausted and sort of giddy. The night before I had done a lot of dancing.
I had slept 7 hours straight so should have been fine.
But for some reason I felt really tired.
In this dull headed state I was more impressionable to spirit. Spirit could send me a message and I was more likely to pick it up as I was not in a highly alert state of mind.
As I looked at some goods displayed at the festival, my friend and I found a beautiful violet crystal. There was a sign below it describing what it was used for: intuition, spiritual development, and opening psychic abilities.
I said to my friend, “My mother gave me a whole collection of this type of crystal. Now I know why.” (My mother was a psychic).
Then right in front of me was an elephant with its trunk raised. I instantly remembered how my mother loved elephants with their trunks raised.
She had even given me one of these when she was on earth, stating it would be good luck for me.
I always saved it.
This was all very touching, but still I did not know I was having a connection from her until I turned around.
There behind me was another display of products. I looked at the products vaguely bored until I read what they were all about.
The first item I saw had to do with GRIEF RELIEF, anxiety relief and emotional clearing. Since I am a medium, these types of products could be helpful to my constituents.
Next to the oils was a Vape Pen for clearing, and Wellness Tea Blend, CBD Oil from MedTerra, all great products for grief relief.
As I had just been reminded of my mother in spirit, and had been seeking spirit earlier that day for an answer as to what to do with my online business, what products to focus on and promote, it hit me.
That day earlier I had been told in meditation to simply Surrender, as I had hit a number of road blocks on the path I had been pursuing.
I look at road blocks as spirit’s way of helping me navigate direction. If something is not working, this is spirit’s way of telling me it is not for you.
So today I had decided to go out and play with my friend instead of diligently working at home on my business.
As I surrendered to being led, spirit was able to lead me to this idea.
My mother was telling me from spirit to go in the direction of various oils and the accessory products for grief relief as a good way to focus my business.
As I thought about it I quickly realized this would be a great focus for all my areas of expertise.
Since I work in the areas of manifesting to attain life goals, otherside mediumship for grief relief, health mediumship for ideal body, it made perfect sense.
Essential oils can provide holistic solutions for each of these areas.
Essential oils are the direct transformation of energy into matter!
Essential oils symbolize transformation!
Plants are the essence of the divine creative force.
I use essential oils to sleep at night. I love patchouli because it makes me feel alive, and smells delightful.
So what is the problem with all of this?
I love using oils.
The only thing I do not like is being tied to one network marketing company.
I have found it difficult to sell network marketing products online, which is my business model. However, I do use some of their products.
So what do I do?
Nothing so far. I am being led right now.
Stay tuned for new developments.
Spirit Medium Laura
How to Connect with Your Loved Ones In Spirit?
Begin by developing a dialogue with spirit. (This is how I did it.)
Here is a way to begin to develop a dialogue with spirit by MEETing YOUR 3 ARCHANGELS! Go HERE.