LONELINESS: How to Cope with Loneliness at the Holidays or at Anytime

LONELINESS: How to Cope with Loneliness at the Holidays or at Anytime

Many of us are fully throttled in committed, loving relationships that thrive. Many of us have never enjoyed this harmonious closeness.

Some of have in the past, but now we find our self alone at the holidays due to loss.

I must agree there is something about the holidays that makes being alone seem less palatable.

It is as if all the “chirpy ha ha” happiness around the holidays contrasts the stoic reality of being alone as somehow drab, inappropriate or undesirable.

There is a certain stigma to being alone, which only adds to its discomfort.

So what to do about this?

I will channel my master guide, St. Ignatius Loyola (same master guide to famed Brazilian healer John of God), here to see what comes through.

Dear Spirit Guides do you have any advice to those who are coping with being alone and loneliness?

The feeling of being alone is a figment of your imagination.


We as your divine beings, your angelic guides, can be called upon to help heal and nurture you even during your worst times of feeling alone.

As well, if you have lost a loved one to spirit, remember they exist in different form, so you have not really lost them.

All things are timed on earth. There is a time for this and a time for that.

In spirit realm there is no timing so we always know we have what we desire.

On earth or at this slower vibration, you yearn for what you do not have at any point in time.

We suggest to think of your life differently, to know that you have everything you need RIGHT NOW!

See yourself as having this or that even though time has not yet delivered it to you.

You will find the more you do this, the more you will realize there is no loss, there is no lack, there is no being alone.

There only is LOVE from which all things are created.

We suggest to you to know now you are LOVE, you have connection and you have that which you crave. The more you do this the greater you arrive at the location of having what you desire.

Please meld desire with connection. This will not only help you evolve, but help you realize more joy and bliss while still in the astral dimension.

This is why you are on earth. You are here to bring to yourself that which you desire, through deep belief in the creative power of nature itself.

To not believe is to deny the very nature of reality, as a creative, loving force.

You each are children of this energy, this force, this power.

You are as much a creator as the creative force itself. Use your power to prove God in your life.

Leave loneliness behind. Replace it with renewed faith in yourself to create, to connect and to experience love.

You are love itself.

So love yourself, as love itself.

Complete the circle of time!

You will then be placed out of time to having that which you desire NOW!

Love will be your now. As you live in love, love lives in you. Love is you. Desires are completed.

Complete the circle of time and the distance of time becomes irrelevant. You now experience that which existed for you elsewhere.

LOVE is delivered to your time, space reality in your now.

Be love now. Have love now.


Spirit Guides through Spirit Medium Laura

LATER. Today I ran across a compelling article about the nature of reality. Modern physics states reality is not definitive until it is observed.

This is such a powerful concept.

If you think you are lonely, then your reality will reflect loneliness. If you observe, meaning state, you are in great company and feel terrific, your reality will reflect this.


As a medium and a spiritual counselor I am always challenged when a client asks me will this happen to me and when will it happen.

In particular this question is mostly about love, and less so about money or health. something to be defined by

So if you are wondering when you will find love, SEE love now in your life. Use your creative imagination to visualize yourself having it.

Before you know it, have it you will!

Book your private session with your guides or loved ones in spirit through Spirit Medium Laura HERE.

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