How to Create Reality: Your Reality Creation Crystal
Imagine you could walk into a Reality Creation Crystal, have a daydream about your “perfect life,” then step out into that life? Ah, wouldn’t that be wonderful?

Well this IS possible!”
I thought it a great idea to share with you how to get what you want in your life without asking a psychic how or if you will.
I must say I am completely flummoxed each and every time a client asks me, “Will I get this or that?”
Why? Because I always completely believed we create what we want in life. It is ALL up for GRABS!
Yet, even though I believe this, I still go backwards in my perception.
It happened again about a month ago. I started to believe the reality around me was fixed, rather than flowing.
I forgot that reality is my canvas. I forgot to decide how I would paint on this canvas.
In this forgetful state I stated what I was experiencing as if it was my reality.
Here is what I said. “It is not possible to get what I want. I need to stop trying and instead accept failure as my reality.”
This particular spin had to do with my investments. I had been failing with my investments for over 20 years!
That day, I just gave up. I said, “Enough is enough. I get it. Reality is fixed and I am affixed to it! I am just like my father who failed with investing. Stop investing and make plans to live without this success.”
Almost as soon as I said this, feeling a bit smart at my final acceptance of reality, I remembered.
Ancient mysticism reflects that reality is an illusion we are creating from our perspective, judgment and expectations.
Modern quantum physics demonstrates reality is a set of infinite possibilities which does not exist until it is measured or observed in some way.
As soon as I realized I was doing this, I corrected my creation process. I quickly affirmed, “I am so happy and grateful that my investments are successful and booming. I am so happy and grateful I know how to do this and I am doing this now.”
I repeated this concept to myself as often as I remembered.
Yes, I now am doing really, really well with my investments. It was like someone hit me over the head with a club stick.
My instincts, intelligence and information aligned with my intuition. Suddenly I was doing the right thing at the right time instead of sabotaging it. (Not dependent on market climate.)
As of today my investments are rising and I expect them to continue as long as I do what I am doing, believing in my ability, then following the path that unfolds before me.
Some people are very good at creating their reality from their desires. They usually disregard what is REAL in favor of nurturing what they REALLY desire. They seem to have NO negative programming or beliefs sabotaging their efforts.
Some might call them dreamers, but they see it, say it, feel it, sniff it and chew it every day.
I was watching an interview with Jennifer Hudson the other day. She said she KNEW she was a singer at 2 years old! Her mother took her to Church where Gospel was sung. She observed herself hitting a high note at that young age and then making a judgment of herself as a singer.
Today she is starring in “Cats,” the movie, her latest success in a long string of amazing accomplishments.
So what are you seeing, saying, feeling, sniffing and chewing into reality every day?
Be your tomorrow today!

Each and every day spend time reciting orally or writing down what you desire, in a gratitude statement, as if it has already happened.
Go from,
EXAMPLE 1. “I always end up getting hurt when I enter love relationships,”
“I am so happy and grateful I have the love relationship of my life which is nurturing, compatible and exciting.”
EXAMPLE 2. “I am not very good with money. I can’t seem to earn enough to even pay my bills. I just don’t seem to be lucky in this area. I always make the wrong choices. I feel like I am on a merry go round of loss, failure and poverty.”
“I am so happy and grateful that I am lucky with money. My intuition puts me in the right place at the right time. Money flows fluidly and smoothly to me. This year I will buy the house I have been dreaming about AND take a vacation to Europe.”
Sending you all lots of love at the holidays,
Spirit Medium Laura
BOOK your private session with spirit through Laura at www.BookLaura.oom
CREATE Your REALITY! Your Reality Creation Crystal!
Course 1 HERE.