Do you ever wonder how tarot cards work? If they can really help you gain insight to your past, present and future?

I Did Not Believe
I used to not believe in the cards. the reason is I did not like having my cards read, so was definitely not a great subject for her. I guess I did not believe in them much. (lol!)
Understanding this you can imagine how strange it is that now I have begun to use Tarot cards as I meditate for my sessions with clients. However, the cards I am using are my mother’s Tarot deck, so they have special meaning to me.
My Mother Was A Tarot Card Reader
My mother was a master astrologer, numerologist, tarot card reader, Kabbalah expert, Rosicrucian, palmist, spiritual medium, hand writing analyst, metaphysical counselor and so on.
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I think at one point she was even studying Chinese Face Reading.
She even did a couple of readings for a famous person, but I hesitate to name this individual lest I get in trouble for infringing on a person’s privacy.
I was always fascinated by all of my mother’s interests, but did not follow them until the last few years, as I began to do the work of spirit, but in my own way and the way a higher power intended.

My Mother Told Me (Big Smile at Ya!)
It is interesting to note, my mother always told me I was very psychic. haha.
I thought she was crazy when she said that because I had not yet awakened to my soul’s purpose, but now I realize, uh, she was very right.
Your mommy is always right, right?
I began channeling as a natural medium higher vibrational entities. Later I expanded this gift to channeling souls in spirit (deceased human and animal loved ones in spirit) as a medium.
So How Do Tarot Cards Really Work
What does all of this have to do with Tarot cards?
Well, one day I received a package in the mail from my mother’s student. She felt it was time to pass on my mother’s tarot deck to me.
Maybe she knew (I think she did) that I never liked my mother reading the Tarot for me much. I kind of found it boring.
I was very headstrong so did not want anyone telling me about me. haha.
But let me say, having the Tarot in the right hands is chillingly accurate, insightful and helpful.
After I got the deck it sat on my dining room table for a while gathering dust. Every time I passed it I thought, “What am I going to do with this deck? I don’t want to throw them out. I don’t want to hide them in a drawer. What the heck should I do with them?”

How to Use Tarot Cards So They Do Work
One day I had the inspiration to see if I could use them to warm up to work with my clients.
I always spend from 15 to 5 minutes meditating on a client before working with them. It helps create a great, deep connection for the work.
So I thought, maybe the Tarot cards can help in this process. Maybe they can be an automatic way for me to enter their vibration to get the best results during a session.
So as I sat there in a meditation about my client. I focused on the name, while I shuffled the deck. I was waiting for a sign or a feeling that I needed to stop and take a card in hand.
Steps to Use Tarot Cards to Read for Yourself
This is exactly what I did to use the Tarot Cards. This is a classic blueprint for using them. The kind of spread you use would be adjusted to the kind of reading you want to do.
However, for today we will focus on one simple method to get a message for yourself.
Start with a brief meditation, something that really hits your soul and relaxes you. Currently I am using this meditation from Hemi-sync which really puts me in the zone.

Focus on the subject or question you have. Perhaps you have a question about your own life. Simply focus on the question. If you are trying to get a general message for someone, even yourself, focus on that person’s name.
Take the deck and loosely keep shifting the cards from one hand into the other or mix them up on a table in front of you. When you feel the urge to choose a card, scoop it up and set it aside.
I do choose from one to three cards for one question, but not more. Again, you need to check in with your intuition to stop when you feel to stop.
This part of the discernment process is really difficult for some people. They keep second guessing everything.
You do not need to do that. All you need to do is choose when you feel to choose and stop when you feel to stop.
Trust that your angelic guides are working with you to know the right time to do this. That is it.
These days it is so easy to find the meaning of a Tarot card by using Google. I search for “meaning [card name] upright [or reversed].”
Google will obediently and very usefully highlight an answer right in front of you. Here is a Tarot Card Meaning Lookup page.
There you have it! Your own way to read for yourself!
Some Cool Tarot Card Decks
The more your deck of cards speak to you, the more you will get out of them. The deck I am using is the standard Ryder Tarot Deck, however, these cards hold the vibration of my mother in them.
So if you want to get the most intuitive charge from your deck you need to choose a deck that resonates for you. Check this link out for some really cool Tarot Decks. Here is one I found that really resonates for me.

The Outcome
So continuing the story I started above here are the cards I selected, their meanings and then what the client reading revealed.
The Death card upright was first. This card can mean the end of something, literally a death.
The second card was the Devil upright. This card can mean being in bondage to unhealthy relationships.
The third card was the Ace of Pentacles upright which can mean a new beginning.
So as soon as I connected with the client’s energy during the live sitting it became apparent she had a male peer in spirit. This was the Death card.
His passing was very traumatic, his family having mistrust about his passing. This was the Devil card.
She was forced to chart a new life now for herself which was the Ace of Pentacles.
I pulled the card King of Swords upright for the next client I had that day. This card indicates intellectual authority and power.
Interestingly enough this client proved to be difficult for me to reach. No matter what I said I could see her intellectually analyzing and ruminating over the message validity. I would say the card pulled for her was quite appropriate.
When Tarot Cards Do Not Work
Tarot cards are not always this accurate. I like to say they are as accurate as the practitioner is intuitively connected.
In the hands of someone who is psychically blocked or not engaged, the cards themselves would probably not reveal a thing.

Your Thoughts?
I have said things like this before and been proven wrong so if you disagree, let me know in the comments below.
Or if you have a story to tell about using divination tools like the Tarot let me know as well.
The more we share, the more we learn and evolve towards the greater good.
Spirit Medium Laura
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