How to Get Respect in the age of Oneness (The Ascension). The new reality of the Ascension has reset the way we get respect.
After rewriting this article about four times, I decided to channel the answer from The Ones. They made it so clear so quickly.
Dear Spirit how does one get respect in the age of Oneness?
Oneness is not a state of being. It is a state of seeing that reality is one, not separate from each other.
Therefore you must conclude that Oneness creates a system in which those that would like to be separate or alone will rebel.
There are individual consciousnesses within the age of Oneness that would like to remain separate.
They do not want to merge into Oneness.
This is neither good or bad, black or white.
It is rather a state of consciousness in which one idea is separate from another.
We in spirit do not see oneness as good or bad. We see it as a condition.
The condition can be used for good or bad.
So when you are in the vibration of oneness, you must join with others or be defeated.
If you do not merge with one consciousness you will be dislocated from that vibration.
So a separation of consciousnesses occurs.
This is what is being experienced on earth now. Those who want to merge, are being given a chance to move to that frequency of healing.
Those whose consciousness cannot accept a merging into Oneness are resisting now.
So there is a bifurcation of consciousness between two separate ways of seeing things.
We in spirit think it is up to you to decide which consciousness you have and then behave accordingly within that framework.
Those who want to merge will gain respect by being polite, kind and considerate of others.
Those who do not want to merge, that see being distinctly separate as desirable, will keep to themselves more. They will not merge.
Each side gets respect differently according to the way their consciousness creates their reality.
Those in the world of oneness consciousness must seek the company of others who are in this framework to thrive.
In this vibration respect is built inherently.
Those who would like to remain separate and not merge must join with those in their world.
This separate consciousness world gives respect to those who see each person as competing with them, not joining.
There is the world of fear and there is the world of love.
Those who want respect in the world of fear must be warriors against each other.
Those in the world of love must be supportive of each other to gain respect.
So it is important for you to decide which vibration you will thrive, then seek out the company of those that sympathize with this way of thinking so you can gain respect accordingly.
There is no joining of those who would want to stay separate.
It is needed to give those a way to remain in the consciousness of what they are, not be forced into Oneness if not ready for it or not desiring it.
There are ways to thrive in each world. There are ways to get respect in either world.
The answer is to seek the consciousness in which you thrive. This will give you respect.
How does one find their supportive tribe, the consciousness in which they will be able to get respect in the way they give respect?

Channeling Continued.
So Spirit how does one find the consciousness in which to thrive?
The consciousness of all that is is within you. You need to follow it to the right course of creation.
You each have a honing device within you called love. It will create in you the steps to follow to find the people with which you will thrive.
This means to
Follow what you love to do.
This will open the doors for you.
Before you know it you are in your light.
Then those around you will share your sight.
It is up to you to find your tribe by doing what you love.
My own story.
I have been sitting home a lot lately. Whatever worked for me socially before Coronavirus no longer does.
I seem to be attracting people outside of my tribe, so to speak, so getting respect has been difficult.
Recently I attracted someone who was an extreme boundary tester. She would show up and assume I would do something for her without even asking.
It seemed her consciousness was not very supportive of others. It was all about her.
I felt very uncomfortable.
According to what was channeled above, I need to seek the company of those who are in the frequency of Oneness. Those who are supportive of each other.
As I traverse this path, I find it very difficult. So many people have been plucked right out of my life due to this difference in consciousness.
If you are feeling these times challenging as you seek to find your tribe, you are validated in your struggle.
It is important to set the intention that you are with like minded people, so this reality is birthed easier to you.
I will set this intention with you right now,
“I am with like minded people who offer me respect the way I give respect.”
Spirit Medium Laura