HOW TO MANIFEST YOUR DESIRES. The JOY Teachings. Learn why JOY is the key principle to manifest your desires, how to focus on it and what to do when fear appears.
So as I continue to work on JOY as a life guiding principle I am finding the things I want most in my life appearing. REALLY!
The first thing that happened to me is FEAR.
Yes, that pesky little thing called fear. I had a big breakthrough in managing my investments. HUGE BREAKTHROUGH. This was something I had been working on for about 20 years.
I had accrued 20 years of no success in this area. I did well in other areas, but this most critical area for future survival, I had failed.
I say this to you because if you have been struggling with a big life issue for a long time I want to you understand you are not alone.
You can overcome this and when you do, the first thing you will do, is instinctively try to sabotage it with all the FEAR you have stored up in your subconscious, and soul consciousness.
All those incarnations where you created deep, soul based blocks suddenly so entrenched in you arrive to spook you.
Imagine this. It is like being haunted by ghosts. Lol! They are ghosts!

So what do you do?
Well, the first thing I did was relax and went back to the MANIFEST Your DREAMS steps, the most salient of which is to state out loud and write down on a daily basis you have what you want as if it already happened.
So that is what I did.
The first thing that happened is my great goal continued to be delivered, in a shiny gold ornate carriage with all the bells and whistles. I continued to experience success in this area.
Then, unexpectedly another goal started to appear. Perhaps this is another facet of success. Success breeds success?
I will talk about that another time as it develops.
But first, I wanted to do some ABUNDANCE CHANNELING from The Ones about this subject. Here it is.
We are here. We continue to help you and others on earth plane to understand yourselves better and to achieve your goals on earth.
It is extremely important to achieve what you desire while still on earth plane for your specific evolution as a soul.
When you leave earth your consciousness, whatever that is, comes with you to the world of spirit.
You do not leave suffering and then find no suffering in spirit. No.
You take suffering lack, upset and achievement with you.
You do not know who you are until you do this work. So you take lack of identity with you when you leave earth if you did not achieve your dreams.
We mean by this that your identity is part of what you accomplish on earth.
If you accomplished failure you take failure with you to spirit.
If you accomplished happiness, you take happiness with your to spirit, which is your ideal state, your true state as a divine being of God and higher planes.
You cannot evolve to higher planes until you experience this and hone your vibration to express JOY, this quality.
Higher planes of existence require you express JOY on the lower planes.
In addition JOY is your natural state. Your true identity as a soul is JOY, not sadness, worry or lack.
You are learning how to be the best you possible when you learn how to express joy JOY while on earth plane.
You are not worry, hate, sadness, lack of impossibilities.
You were born to be JOYful, not suffer.
Think of it like being born and never learning to walk. It is your innate ability to walk, but if you do not experience walking, you will lose your ability.
You have in a similar way the ability to be happy. You always had the ability to evolve in this direction.
You cannot blossom to a flower if you remain a seed.
So we are here to remind you that in yourself you actually have the ability to grow into EXPLICIT JOY!
You can live as a joyful being. You do not have to listen to your fears. You do not have to be limited by fear. You have joy and all of it within you.
All you need to do to get joy is to express JOY! This is the most important kernel of what we speak.
As you focus on what is joyful to you, the miracle process unfolds. You being to attract more and more joy, until it snowballs into another form, another life for you.
You begin to become a JOY MAGNET. Not a fool, not a child, but a JOY filled being.
You are the host of this. You are the being of this. You are the potential of this.
This is not to say you have to be selfish to be joy filled. No.
This is to say you have to focus everyday on yourself, for a period of time which allows you to unfold in your deepest expression of self.
Part of what you might find exquisitely joyful is to help ad serve others, so this is not a selfish act.
It is a loving act of you to you. You are giving to yourself like a mother gives to a child, nurturing to create true and complete joy.
We love you on the spiritual plane. We want you to not buy into the illusion of lack, of which the earth plane provides.
We, rather want you in expression of GOD, to prove your divine nature by allowing you to be JOY itself.