FEAR: How to Overcome Fear. The Ones channel how to shift from fear to love with the Heart Chakra observer meditation.
As I sat at my desk this morning fear started to well up inside me. Fear of losing out, fear of not having enough, fear of dying, fear of getting sick, fear of being alone, fear of being with someone, fear of whatever.
Suddenly I heard in my head, “Never be afraid of anything.”
Hmmmm. Spirit is talking to me. Guess I better listen.
I decided to channel. Here is what happened.

Channeling on How to Overcome Fear.
Fear does not come to individuals easily. It is developed over a long time.
The time of feeling separate. Separate from having what you want.
In the spirit world we have what we want. Whenever we want we do not desire things for we already know we are connected.
We are connected to love. We are connected to each other and there is no separation between what we desire and what we have.
On the earth plane one experiences the idea of separation which creates fear. Fear comes from the illusion of not having that which you desire. Fear is an illusion.
This keeps you stuck in the present moment of not having. The way to erase fear is to know that you do have every moment of every day and always.
There is no separation between what you want and what you have.
The only way to achieve the sense of having when one has the illusion of not having is to open up the heart chakra during meditation.
The heart chakra will allow you to feel the connection to all. It is through the heart chakra that you will know how to release fear and open to love.
And in this position in this posit of creativity you will then be able to connect to the finest the detail of love.
Love is the illusion of having. We say it is the illusion of having for there is no having or not having. There is only being.
When one is in meditation one experiences the sense of being. One experiences the sense of simply being.
In the state of being there is no fear. It is the state of the heart chakra. Illuminating the soul and its presence.
Each of you has a presence called a soul which you will illuminate or see or feel or experience when you are in the meditation mode.
So it is important on a daily basis to take time out from perceiving not having or fear into the state of being or having which is love.
This state is reached when one is in deep and severe meditation. Meditation is the road to achieving a sense of love which is the opposite of the illusion of not having which is fear.
Dear Spirit can you lead us through a Heart Chakra meditation which will connect us to the state of being?
Love is a interesting meditation for it allows. You to relax and open to the all.
When you are in a deep meditation you see things differently. Actually you no longer see things, hear or feel things. You simply become things.
It is this state we call love.
When one becomes that which one perceives as separate, one becomes love.
There is no one way to get to this state of being. You must feel it.
So the Heart Chakra was mentioned. When we say the Heart Chakra we do not mean a place on your chest or any location.
We mean instead the feeling of love of being connected.
So when one wants to do this, to open to love or the heart chakra simply choose something on which to focus. Then stay in the focused state on that one thing.
That thing could be your breath. It could be a visual object on which you observe.
It could be the feeling of one location on your body being itself.
You see when one is the observer, one is connected to everything.
When one simply observes without reaction one is the state of love.
Love is the state of divine acceptance of everything and everyone just as it is.
When one can get into the state of acceptance then one has become love in its purest and finest sense.
Love is the state of being.
The Ones
Well, it seems when we observe without judgment, we lose fear and move to love.
Seems simple enough.
So I am going to stop writing this article and go to meditate as the observer so I can feel a part of everything and shift from fear to love.
Sending you all white light hugs,
Thank you Violet!
Hi Linda, Of course I remember you! I am not certain booking a session with you can help with the fear thing. But if you would still like to book an appointment simply go to http://www.BookLaura.com. Everything is there. So great to hear from you.
Hi Laura…..I’ve had sessions with you in the past. I was reading your message above on how to release fear. I know for myself fear seems to be a constant presence. I know it is what holds back. I know there are many beliefs under that causes the fear. So I do do things to knock out fear when it comes (I work on it as often as I can). I will do what you noted with meditation. I also do Qi Gong exercises to move fear out of the body. Is there a way…..say with a session with you…..to actually do work to release fear. I know fear will come and go with any circumstance in life…..but I recognize that my fear is more of a habitual thing. Simple thing….a friend had the same condition as I had a week ago…..she just went to the doctor and got a perscription. As I did. But then, because of past issues with health and terrifying things….my head then went to other things when I suddenly had a pain (as an example)…..I recognized it was fear…..and did what I could do to quiet it….but I still went down the rabbit hole. So it is deeply imbedded from past things (words said, health stuff experienced, current). I want to be in a place of trusting that I am as God created me…..healthy. And that the physical is only trying to get your attention to look at what you are thinking and doing. So I get all that. But can fear be addressed in a bigger way with a session with you. It does impact other areas of course, not just the physical health (and appearance)……but even in so far as the crazy habits I now do….the constant note taking and research to find all the ways to make self better. Notes like a crazy person to make sure I follow it all correctly (ie: best way to get rid of the beliefs around health etc). Its a vicious circle. Crazy long email but just curious if booking a session just around this would losen things up so I can be more focused on trusting in love over fear. Thanks Linda
Lovely message, thank you.