HUNGRY for HAPPINESS: How to Be Happy Even Though Everything is NOT Right.
Aha! Now there’s a concept. Be happy even though your circumstances rot!
How the heck can this be? How the heck can you be happy even though you don’t have this thing you think you need?
Without it you feel awful, you are sick, poor, lonely, old, ugly, etc.
Recently I did a very emotional mediumship session within a research event.
After bringing my attention to a specific sitter, I began to get words channeled into my head.
“If I had known it was going to be so beautiful, I would not have resisted so much.”
After a font of information cascaded from this discarnate woman through me to the sitter, it became clear that she did not want to die. While on earth during her transition time, she was angry, upset and extremely unhappy at the inevitable truth for her.
She had an illness that would take her life. She attempted to resist her fate, with anger while still on earth.
She directed her anger at her husband, who was the sitter before me.
Now she showed up to apologize to him. Her unhappiness at leaving earth early caused her to push away her husband during her last months of life.
She was mean, angry, disdainful and all around a flaming ball of raging misery.
The inevitable finally transpired. When she got to the other side she realized (as channeled during the sitting), there was nothing to have been unhappy about.
She told us the world of spirit was wonderful. She still lived.
Her biggest concern after her transition was to make amends to her husband, whom she left on earth without closure, comfort or connection.

Channeling Begins
This illustrates how those on earth experience the idea of unhappiness fueled by the concept of not having that which you think you need to be happy.
But what if everything you think you need to be happy, is a simple delusion? What if nothing can bring you happiness?
What if you are the sole cause of your happiness?
Here is a simple exercise to experiment with to help develop a habit of happiness from all that you experience.
- Take a moment to think about what you feel you need to be happy. You can add to this process by taking up a pen to pad to let all your sadness out. Writing can help you release your pain and gain clarity.
- Now for a moment imagine you have what you think you need to be happy. Write this down to make it clearer.
- Extend this thought. Now that you have what you thought would bring you happiness imagine what else you would need to be happy. You probably found that you would need something else next to be happy, right?
Happiness is like a dog chasing its tail.
The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to see how you have created the illusion of happiness.
Being hungry for happiness is counterproductive to happiness!
Happiness is part of believing there is good and bad. When you arrive at happiness you are well on your way back to unhappiness, for you will need to feed the addictive demand being hungry for happiness creates.
Better to go to the now, where nothing is happy or sad. Everything simply is.
With this step towards being in the now a new consciousness emerges called love.
Love is the essence of being in the now, in full acceptance of it.
This is not to say you should not create, dream, strive, and achieve.
This is to say that creation is only possible from the now, by sending love to what you have in life; to seeing everything as GOOD.
When you come back into the now and out of the concept of happy or unhappy, you have taken the first step on the energy path to arrival.
If you are hungry for happiness, drop it. Take up loving where you are now.
As soon as you do this you begin to attract a new reality where your dreams manifest, not because they will make you happy, but rather because you love what you have, no matter what it is.
When we LOVE where we are and what we have, we are freed energetically from it.
Then we can evolve to JOY!
The Ones Channeled through Spirit Medium Laura Book your private session with your guides through Laura at