This came in on Sunday morning 5/30/10 after doing some praying and journaling on forgiveness and gratitude. I opened up a channeling session. In came this lesson on happiness in the face of adversity. Perhaps it is something you will find of value.

“Happiness is not what you think it is. It is not a great party to attend, it is not a great gift that you get.
Happiness is being fulfilled in the moment without anything in particular in your hands. Just being yourself. When you can feel happy even though everything around you is in disarray or better put, not to the liking of your ego, then you have found true happiness. We call this Nirvana.
Those on earth do not want Nirvana, nor do they seek it. They seek rather the type of happiness which is dependent on getting or receiving something or doing something, not simply being.
When you can feel happiness when you are just alive you have reached Nirvana.
You will not need to manifest anything any longer, not even food nor sustenance for you on earth, for you will be at a place where all your needs are automatically fulfilled just because you are no longer working with ego. You are working with unification to source, to God.
So Nirvana is a place of irony. When your each it, you no longer need to try to get things, for you have finished with that. Rather you are complete unto your God, not yourself. You are complete because you have reached God.
You are one with the all. When you have completed yourself you will become Godlike or you may even call yourself god with a small letter. God is not something you should worship. God is something you should be. It is not a garment to place about your body, but rather a way to live.
God is a verb, not a supernatural being. God is doing the loving things. So when you are God you will feel loving and forgiving of others.
You will be grateful just for the air you breathe. You will thank all adversity as a teacher and find each moment an adventure in consciousness rather than a journey to get somewhere. You will find the moment infinite and the absolute your friend. You will be in the now.
So, my dear friend, relax, let god and let God be in you.
Let go of all ideas about what you want. Yes, this is revolutionary for earth to think this way. It is almost sacrilegious, but it is the way of God. God does not intend. God just is.
All things, ideas and strategies which place you in the being, not the wanting, are godlike. If you want bliss, then learn to be, not want.
Beingness is the nirvana.
We are The Now conglomeration of soul teachers on the other side. We work with you in all your teachings. We call ourselves the Now. We help people on earth realize their divinity through use of soul techniques to get what they want to manifest happiness. So often those on earth think that happiness is something you should manifest. It is not.
Happiness is something you reap when you are in the now. It is a state of being not a state of having. So when you or your friends are trying to get something. You are not happy. When you and your friends can learn to simply be and be happy in that state of one with source, you will no longer want for anything, nor try to find happiness. You will be in your divine state.
When you are angry and hurt about something or feeling unhappy in any way it is because your connection to Source to God has been broken. The best way to go about reinstating it is to let go and let God show you the way.
It is through relaxation. Yes! Such a simple concept. All you need to do in order to feel better is take a deep breath and release whatever it is you are holding onto. Dislocation from source happens when you try to fix things.
When you learn exactly how to release what you are holding onto to a higher power to Source to God for handling, you have finally reached Nirvana.
When you feel suffering or pain emotional or physical learn how to relax it out of your system by handing it over to God by doing something you find pleasurable and simply by asking God to take it from you. The results are amazing. Give it a try.
The Ones Who Work With humanity and Their Consciousness For Greater Peace and Love For the All”
To receive your abundance psychic reading call Laura to set your appointment at 954 465 7338 or email her at Laura is a natural medium, channeler, psychic, metaphysician and spiritual teacher who specializes in “Supernatural Success Through Soul Connections.”