HOW TO BE HAPPY: Choose Happiness
My mother always used to say to me when she entered the last few years of her life (wisdom), “Choose to be happy.”
I never quite “got” what she had to say as I used to think, either you are happy or you are not! Right?
But this morning an odd thought filtered through my consciousness. I don’t have to be unhappy because this or that happened to me.
Huh? How could I simply power through a negative feeling like that? Aren’t all negative emotions based on something real, something I MUST concern myself with and solve?
I am laughing out loud as I write this. Really? I don’t have to be UNhappy just because I perceived an event or circumstance as negative. The response does not have to be misery just because something usually considered negative happened?
So as I had this most unorthodox and curious thought I decided to experiment with it. I decided I would simply CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY, just as my mother used to advise.
Here is what happened. I forgot all about what was bothering me. It was a gorgeous morning here in South East Florida. The sun was out. The birds were chirping. My two adorable cats were purring at me for affection, food and attention.
The TV news was fascinating. I felt terrific. My weight was excellent as I stepped on the scale to check. Etc. Etc.
If I had chosen to focus on some negatives currently in my life I could have gone the other way just as easily. I could have experienced the great sadness of loss, as I have been experiencing the rebound of an unrequited love relationship in my life once again.
I could have chosen to focus on a client mishap that occurred yesterday. A client booked a mediumship session with me, showed up on time and in person, but then because her desired loved one did not immediately step forward she chose to close the session suddenly and ask for a refund.
That is not the way mediumship works, but even with the best preparation of clients, I still get this at times.
Before I decided to CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY I was analyzing these events, worrying about them, thinking my entire life would fail because of this or that.
You get my drift? One frightened client doth not make a trend. One lost love cannot hurt me.
So this morning after assiduously praying last night I decided to simply BE HAPPY! And now I am disgustingly happy! Stay away from me today as I might make those more seriously unhappy very very sappy!
HOW TO BE HAPPY. Ah, finally I get to the the GET of this article.
1. Take care of the physical form. Eat right. Rest. Exercise. Drink enough good water. Eliminate toxins. Take food based supplements, as needed, versus pharmaceuticals (toxic). Don’t drink alcohol during unhappy period.
2. Take food based supplements as needed for your particular body and diet. They are a great way to augment and support the healing to happiness process. For example, I take Monolaurin (derived from Coconut milk) to help me ward off Epstein Barr virus in my system. This plus a supplement for immune system has VASTLY improved my energy level and vitality.
3. Pray. If you do not pray start immediately. There is no better way to feel better then to know and access the higher spiritual realms asking for help, feeling comfort in their love.
At the risk of sounding like a holy roller, I KNOW there is a spirit world. I KNOW there is a God context in which we all live. The more I commune with this world in prayer and my work, the more I feel relieved of any sadness or sense of loss or disaster. In the world of God there is no loss, lack or languish. There is only LOVE!
4. Meditate. A close partner to prayer, meditation allows you to feel the presence of higher power and live within it on a regular basis. It trains your subconscious to not react but rather to relax into what is versus being at odds with it. This is called mindfulness.
5. Ask. After you have meditated and prayed, asking for what you want, review a script of your ideal life filling in all the details. This is extremely magical. Do it every day and you will find life will follow the script, bringing your wildest dreams to life.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Spirit Medium Laura
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