How to Be Rich. A channeled answer to an age old question. The answer lies within you first. Manifestation occurs later. Read on….
As I recuperate from an accident I had which broke 6 ribs, I have been doing a lot of journaling and channeling on a subject my guides have led me to study.
This subject is the spiritual science of money, prosperity and how to become rich.
If you have been experiencing a lack of prosperity in your life, this definitely is a subject you should master.
A lack of prosperity might include:
- Physical or mental health issues, illness.
- Lack of love or loving relationships.
- Money scarcity.
- Work you dislike, do just to pay the bills and/or feel you have to do to survive financially.
- A feeling of being limited, not manifesting goals or being blocked in achieving desired outcomes.
- Inability to get out of your own way. A feeling you self sabotage even with the best of efforts to do otherwise.
As I followed my spiritual guides leads I was led to channel some incredible healing to happiness wisdom. I hope you enjoy and benefit from hearing these messages.
How to Be Rich Channeling
Opening Thought Prayer
Richness is always yours, my friend.
You have all that you need, EXCEPT knowing this.
Stop wanting. Start being.
The rewards are deep, sustainable and infinite.
Paradise is HERE.
Know it now.
So long as you think you need something to feel complete, you are outside of your being.
It is only when you realize you have arrived that you can be there.
Love is the nature of being.
It is yours now.
Be well, my friend, be well.
Continued Channeling on How to Be Rich
You are happiness now. There is no other area or place to go.
There is only now, so when you ask for someone to find prosperity they must hold that vibration now.
Prosperity consciousness is something you carry with you daily, moment by moment.
The error many make when they are attempting to change their money prosperity consciousness is to dream about becoming something or someone else that is prosperous.
Better to dream about being you as prosperous right now.
Show yourself in little ways how prosperous you are, how much money you do have.
A simple way to do this is to treat yourself to something you consider RICH each day.
It should be taking a break and smelling the flowers.
It could be taking time to eat something special or do a favor for yourself, like a special massage, trying on a new watch of your liking, taking a test drive in a luxury vehicle or whatever it is.
Gift yourself on a regular basis the aspects and elements of wealth so you have it now.
The more you have wealth today the more you will have wealth tomorrow because your current lifestyle has placed you where you are today.
If you have not been giving yourself indulgences each day, if you have been withering along the side of the road of life in agony because you deny yourself what wealth would provide to you later, the less you will attract wealth.
You need to think there is no tomorrow. There is only today, right now.
This will give you the right vibration so you then continue to manufacture more of the same.
We do not mean you should spend all your savings now. Each act of indulgence may cost you no expenditure at all. It is the blessed feeling of the item you desire that is the thing. Does it feel good to you?
Become a big pleasure machine for life and living. Always think of what is the most fun today right now.
This should follow in your work. If you hate your job or find each moment horrible, you cannot attract wealth.
Even if you simply tolerate your job and do it for the money only, you need to find a way to enjoy what you exchange your time to do. This is mandatory to your innate success.
Work is the single most important nourishment to take on the way to being wealthy.
Work provides a daily dose of prosperity consciousness to you, a thing you can get in no other way than doing the work.
Work is the single most important magical elixir for your success. Why?
Well, not because you will make money directly from your work, but you will become prosperous, rich and glorious by act and action of doing work you enjoy, feel engaged in doing and motivated to do well.
When you love the act of your constructive service (work) you will find your prosperity begins to turn around. Suddenly you will find everything starts to change in value, the most import being you.
You will find your value to yourself increases because you are doing something with your talents and efforts which is of constructive service to others.
Constructive service is an energy of exchange for money.
Money has no value in and of itself. Money is simply a place marker for your self esteem, how you have lived your life and where you think you are going.

Without this self esteem, which ironically is called worth, you cannot become rich or prosper. You need to see, feel and know that you have worth at a deep, integral level.
You cannot get this worth by doing work you dislike or hate. You need to find work that is in harmony with your soul, so your creative mind activates.
There is something more to this too. Your creative mind is the cornerstone of your worth. Once it activates you will feel differently about yourself forever.
Why? Because you have then aligned with God, with source, with the basic creative nature of the universe.
The universe is creative in nature. You, as a part of it, are innately creative because it is creative. This is your prosperity in a nutshell.
Once you know that you are a part of the universe, you know you are a part of the creative whisper of all things. This is the basic nature of God, the universe of all reality. The word and thought is CREATIVITY.
So your sense of worth comes by activating your creativity which comes by finding work you do which you enjoy.
Once you have done this your prosperity activates.
There is much more to this, but for today know that your worth is your cornerstone to wealth. Your worth comes from doing work which you enjoy.
Work you enjoy will feel creative to you, like you are accessing aspects of yourself which are magical, non linear and tangential. When you do work like this you will feel you are in a flow of creativity which is playful.
This does not mean you are a fine artist of any type necessarily. No.
It means you are doing work where a part of yourself activates which is limitless in a state of flow. You find when you do this work ideas come to you outside of your own logic.
This work helps others, serves the greater good and makes you feel fulfilled.
If you are a home maker (or volunteer, etc.) you must look at everything you do in this way.
It is not the direct salary you get when you are doing the work that matters. It is the feeling of productive contribution to self and others solving problems that matters.
If you are someone managing a household, raising children and being a partner to a spouse, your work will be this. The measure of its worth to you will be in how effective you are in completing these tasks.
If you do not feel effective in completing constructive service to others and yourself, you need to change your work until you find work that does.
Again your sense of innate worth will come from this. This intangible potion called worth creates tangible wealth ultimately.
Step 1 is find your worth through your work.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
To be continued….