Learn how to calculate life path number the correct way and get a brief definition of your life path number. As well, get a FREE professional numerology report on your name by entering your email below.
NUMEROLOGY: How to Calculate Life Path Number
SUMMARY: This is the second article of two about numerology. The other article talks about the numerology master number 11. This article will demonstrate how to calculate life path number the correct way with written and video instructions below, and provide a brief definition of your life path number. As well, get a FREE professional numerology report on your name by entering your email below.
FREE Numerology RESOURCE: Obtain a FREE report to learn what is your name’s numerology number. Your name holds additional information beyond your life path number about your personality, challenges and how to correct them. Just enter your email here to obtain the resource.

NUMEROLOGY: How to Calculate Life Path Number
- Begin with your full birth date. Example: OCTOBER 22, 1973.
- Add the number of the month into one digit. Example. October is the tenth month so you add 1 + 0 to equal 1.
- Add the number of the day into one digit. The 22 day is 2 + 2 to equal 4.
- Add the number of the year into one digit. The year is 1973, therefore you add 1 +9 + 7 +3 to equal 2.
- You now add all these digits. 1 + 4 + 2 to equal 7.
- Life path number for this birthday then is 7.
DEFINITIONS OF EACH NUMBER taken from http://www.thedreamtime.com/Numerology/Numerology-Meaning-Chart.html
Number | Meaning |
0 | Emptiness, spiritual essence, nothingness, blank |
1 | Independence, loneliness, creativity, originality, dominance, leadership, impatience |
2 | Quiet, passive, diplomatic, co-operation, Comforting and soothing. Intuitive, compromising, patient. |
3 | Charming, out-going, self-expressive, extroverted, abundance, active, energetic, proud. |
4 | Harmony, truth, justice, order, discipline, practicality, the material world, dedication. |
5 | New directions, excitement, change, adventure, |
6 | Love, Harmony, perfection, marriage/family, tolerance, public service, servitude to others. |
7 | Spirituality, completeness, solitary, isolation, introspection |
8 | Organization, business and commerce, immortality, resurrection, new beginnings, success/failure, Gaia as Great Mother. |
9 | Romantic, rebelliousness, determined, easily hurt, passionate, compassionate, affectionate. |
10 | Independence, loneliness, creativity, originality, dominance, leadership, impatience, spiritual essence. |
11 | Idealistic, visionary, inspiring as a teacher, spiritual, a martyr. |
12 | Perfectionist, discriminating. |
22 | Builder, leader, organizer of humanitarian projects, practical, idealist, honest, intuitive. |
How to Calculate Life Path Number Video
FREE RESOURCE: Obtain a FREE Numerology report about your name. Your name holds additional information beyond your life path number about your personality, challenges and how to correct them. Just enter your email here to obtain the resource.
Spirit Medium Laura
Isn’t that what I said? lol.
You can just add up every single individual number in any order and get exactly the same answer when you reduce the final result (unless it’s a double digit master number)
Enjoy your free resource to calculate life path number the correct way. I was amazed to see how numerology provided for me personal insight and awareness. As well, get a FREE professional numerology report on your name by entering your email in form on this page.