How to Change My Life With Limited Choices. Learn how to define what you perceive rather than allow what you perceive to define you.
Today I was writing to a friend about the limitations I perceive in my life. I explained how fierce I used to be. I was like a ferocious lion always forging ahead from this project to that.
I thought I was invincible. Today I don’t feel quite as fierce. I am older and perceive limitation, loss and confinement in my life.
This led to powerful insights about how to change a life.
This morning I woke up after isolating for the last few months. I had had an injury which created the opportunity to step out of my life for a while.
Since there are no accidents I was looking for what I was supposed to get from this isolation. I know my soul created this for my growth.
Today I finally realized why I felt so limited and what I could do about it. I had two ideas of the way I could focus my time to create change, passion and satisfaction again in my life.
Don’t we all feel limited by something or someone?
Does this mean we cannot have a different life because we are stuck in the life we now have?
You can change your life even if you do NOT change your circumstances.

You can change your hobbies, where you place your attention, how you spend your free time, what you study in your spare time.
Think of your life like a play in a theater. Many stories can happen in the same theater. The location did not change, but the scenery and plot did.
So let’s say you have young children, a great husband, but feel trapped in certain ways too.
What do you do? You create and find ways to express yourself and be supportive of your family at the same time.
You could focus your time to become an Instagram influencer or celebrity by finding things you are challenged by and creating passionate solutions to them.
Maybe your big thing is early retirement, the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) movement. You find ways to save and invest money from the existing family financial footprint to make this dream come true.
Maybe your thing is ideal body in an easy, natural way, especially after pregnancy.
Maybe your big thing is creating your own business from home.
How do you create change in your life?

You start with what bothers you. Write a list.
Really cry about it on paper. Be expressive of all your woes.
Then next to your limitations, your “problems” begin to write what the opposite of what that would look like.
Problem. I hate my body after pregnancy.
Solution: I found an easy way to find my right weight and tone my body.
The takeaway…
Don’t get mesmerized by what you don’t have, what limits you and what is causing you affliction.
Realize that what seems a limitation is merely your perception, not your reality.
This may seem obvious to you, but when you feel trapped it is not obvious.
As humans we are limited by our perception.

So to create change in your life, you must change how you see your life, how you define it.
Within the same life, you can have multiple experiences, each creating an entirely different plot and outcome.
You can move from bored, limited and cranky to excited, inspired and expansive.
The choice is yours.
A session with a good spiritual medium can help you to do this.
Book your private session with spirit through Laura at
Further Study.