LIMITLESS: How to Fall Asleep with LOVE. Have you tried everything there is to sleep without consistent results. I know I have before I discovered “how to fall asleep” is more than a pill, or a tactic.
It is more than a this or that thing outside of yourself.
It is YOU!
It is an awareness, a shift in consciousness from this or that thing to the embodiment of oneness.
Some might call this an evolutionary leap to Ascension consciousness. Whatever you want to call it is fine.
But it definitely is a shift from thinking something outside of yourself will put you to sleep.
You are your sleep master.

Sleep is an inside job!
For over twenty years I have had trouble sleeping. I have addressed hormone balance, light in the room, diet, snoring bed partner and chemical sleep aids, but I still could not sleep.
At one point about two years ago, I noticed I had tried so many things I took a picture of all the aids to dramatize the anxiety I had over not being able to sleep.
Here is a picture of what I was experimenting with at that time.

I believed it was automatic. As you got older, you would not be able to sleep.
My father had trouble sleeping. My older sister had trouble sleeping. Other people I knew had trouble sleeping.
Then one day an older girlfriend revealed to me she had no trouble sleeping.
I was a bit flummoxed. No trouble sleeping? How could this be?
Didn’t everyone have trouble sleeping?
Yet, my sleeplessness continued.
How to Fall Asleep Breakthrough! A Shift from FEAR to LOVE.
At one point I went for a healing, unrelated to this. I thought this modality would be good for my clients. I was fascinated by it. I was led to it.
The healing modality is called Sacred Activations. I do this for clients now, but that is not the point.
The point is after this healing, I started to sleep.
Once I started to sleep I began to realize that sleep for me was related to fear, anxiety and stress.
I began to believe I must have had a shift from FEAR to LOVE.
How to shift from FEAR to LOVE? Now, THAT is the question.
The way to shift (besides Sacred Activations) is to align with a Higher Power which you believe guides, leads and protects you.
How do you do this?
Intuition Is The KEY!
Your awareness of this power gets turned on with Intuition. When you start to notice how you FEEL about life you become more conscious, aware and thus able to flow in the energy of Guidance, Opportunity and Destiny (GOD).
You let go, let God.
If you have ever gone to a mental health counselor, they will repeatedly ask you how you feel about this and that in your life.
When you start to pay attention to how you feel, you can then begin to manage anxiety and stress and begin to glide through challenging times, rather than react in almost an “addicted to fear” habit.
Intuition based on feelings will allow you to sense a presence, a benevolent force, leading you forward.
Another tool to augment this process is daily mindful meditation. One day I heard a physician on say he started to meditate to help himself sleep at night.
When you meditate you become more aware of your infinite self, the I AM within you. This awareness allows you to experience life as a series of events outside of you, but not you
You become aware of the I AM of you. This presence conveys the shift from fear to love.
“How to Fall Asleep” Magical Formula
- Feel your Feelings. Meditate. Journal. See a counselor. Attend 12 Step Group.
- Become more conscious and aware.
- Manage your response to life.
- Sleep better!
When I started to relax from fear to love, I became more aware of how I was the cause of my life conditions, rather than these situations happening to me.
As I became more aware of my co-creative capacity, I began to live at a higher vibration of love.
Understanding the above points it is now time to address the external issues.
How can you support your ability to sleep as you evolve from fear to love?
Tactical Steps
After I had this new awareness, this shift from fear to love, it affected my ability to sleep.
One day after my shift, in a particularly fearless moment, I said to myself, “Screw this! I am sick of taking these sleep remedies every night!”
I felt awful. I looked exhausted. I still was not sleeping properly!
I decided to make my body figure this out!
So I stopped taking anything to help me sleep.
Here is what happened.
I had a couple of nights of restlessness, grogginess and sleeplessness. But then things began to settle down.
I began to sleep.
My Cognitive Skills Repaired!
Finally after I stopped using the sleep aids, my mind was clearer. When I slept it was real sleep.
I was in a better mood. My memory was better. I felt rested. I looked rested.
Could it be sleep aids over time degrade mental function? Something to think about.
Tactics to Support Your Sleep
Hormones. Get your hormones right.
Progesterone. If you have too little progesterone (for women) you will have trouble sleeping. I take Chasteberry Vitex, an herb which addresses the ratio of Estrogen to Progesterone. Too much Estrogen creates anxiety. Progesterone is a relaxing hormone. I do not recommend everyone do what I did. See a doctor first.
Melatonin. Vitex has been shown to increase Melatonin production in males. Vitex probably affects all hormones in the body as it affects the pituitary gland which regulates all.
Relax. Learn how to relax.
As mentioned above. the most important thing that changed my relationship with sleep was my shift from Fear to Love. The byproduct of this was learning how to relax.
Tactics to relax.
Neck tension. Pay attention to the nape of your neck. I found that if I properly supported this area with an extra pillow set just the right way, I could relax and sleep. I see this area as the anxiety I hold in my body.
Problems and anxiety will keep you up.
Problems. Do what you can to address any problems you have during your waking hours. Remind yourself before going to sleep that this is the time for rest. You will tackle what needs to be done better after a night of rest, rather than distress.
Use “To Do,” Lists to ensure you did what you are supposed to do during the day.
Anxiety about having to get up early. Go to bed earlier than usual on days you have to get up early, so you can settle in and relax. If you still can’t sleep tough it out until you are so tired you can’t resist sleep any longer.
Positive Affirmations. This really helps me. I will repeat affirmations silently to myself that are soothing, calming and loving. One I found that really works for everything is, “I AM love.” This really knocks me out.
Simply Be. Another thing I do if I cannot relax and sleep is to simply be. I do not try to do anything. I simply lie in my most comfortable position.
I do not think of anything. I just wait there. I remind myself at some point I will fall off to sleep, enjoying the sweet nector of a REM or two before awakening.
Daydream. If I am having trouble falling asleep due to anxiety another tool I use is a relaxing, pleasurable daydream, about waking up the next morning feel rested, happy, alert and energetic.
Other Tactics
Alcohol. I avoid alcohol right before sleeping. I avoid large amounts of alcohol hours before sleep. Alcohol at first a depressant, becomes later a stimulant which will affect your ability to sleep.
Food. I do not eat a lot during the evening before sleep, yet I do not go to bed hungry. Too full or too hungry will affect my sleep.
Caffeine, Sugar. I limit my caffeine intake to one cup of coffee in the morning. Please note chocolate has caffeine. Sweets, as well, can be very stimulating before bedtime.
Diet. Junk foods can include stimulants in them such as sugar or hidden caffeine, and other non nourishing additives. Eat a whole food plant based diet.
Exercise. Get the right amount of exercise during the day to tire you out physically. Right before bedtime better to cool down with relaxing stretching exercises. Here is a cool down routine based on yoga.
Well there you have it, my best effort at providing you a How to Fall Asleep guide from my experience.
Let me know what you think about this.
Sending you love and healing,
Spirit Medium Laura