How to Find a Good Psychic Medium: The Dark Truth. I just declined to work with a prospective client because I did not think our session could be successful.
She was frustrated and angry after all the mediums she had already had with other mediums. She had lost her dog, but had not obtained any closure from the sittings she had had.
Perhaps it was not the medium’s fault. Maybe she was not ready for a sitting. She told me she had heard enough statements like the following.
How to Find a Good Psychic Medium: She had heard enough statements like

“Rainbow Bridge” talk
“it’s not your fault”,
“quality of life”,
“happy ‘running with the dogs’ in heaven””
“dog wants me to know ‘he’s okay’.”
She told me she just wanted to know HOW her dog got ill. She was second guessing whether her dog really did have cancer, when she made a decision to put her dog down.
She was exploring what had happened, trying to understand everything at a deeper level so she could move to acceptance of the situation.
The Stages of Grief: How to Find a Good Psychic Medium
The five stages of grief include: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. This person was in the first four stages of grief.
She wondered if her dog was really sick after she had put the dog down. She was angry that not one of the mediums she had spoken to gave her evidence that her dog was sick or not.
She was bargaining in this fight to get closure. Lastly she seemed to be anxious and depressed.
Mediums not only have to train to get accurate evidence but as well to be sensitive to the sitter and where he or she is in the stages of grief.
I have had sessions where the soul in spirit had recently passed that went really well. So the time since passing is not the accurate forecast for success of the session.
It is the emotional nature of the sitter.
If you are someone who has lost a loved one understand the dynamics of this. You are ready to have a mediumship session when you are calm enough to accept the evidence that is presented.
As well, you should be looking for a medium who can prove s/he delivers evidence. Did the medium engage in psychic research, give live public demonstrations and/or get certified by a respected testing organization, etc.
EVIDENCE is KEY. How to Find a Good Psychic Medium

I get it. Mediums Can Choke.
There are times we choke up and have little to say, but remember as a medium we can hurt the public if we try to fake it.
Last week I had a private sitting. I was trying to give the sitter ways her husband in spirit would communicate with her.
Suddenly he said to me after I asked what symbol he would use to talk to his wife on earth, “Use the new foal.”
I vaguely felt this would have something to do with animals, but did not know “foal” is a baby horse. I dutifully delivered the message as that is what I was supposed to do.
I did not know the sitter owned horses, but indeed his wife (the sitter) smiled at me and said, “Yes, we had a new filly born recently. We have 30 to 40 horses.”
(A filly is a female foal.)
The sitter’s slight smile told me she had gotten a bit of closure from the session. This was a specific enough piece of evidence for her to feel she was speaking to her beloved husband, now in spirit.
Research Mediumship Session. How to Find a Good Psychic Medium.
Yesterday I did research mediumship with “Voices Across the Veil.” There were six sitters.
Each obtained beautiful, detailed evidence from their loved ones on the other side. It went fluidly.
As a side note, one of the sitters, just published this book about the loss of her son. Bringing him in was a blessed experience.
Here is what the Facilitator had to say about it, “Magnificent. The information just flowed. It was accurate, evidential, and the messages very meaningful. A wonderful experience for all.”
If you have no evidence, then say it.
I do when I do not have a great connection to spirit.
Most of the time I do have a connection though, but I developed skill over time. In the past there were many sessions where I got very little correct.
One thing I learned is that using a particular type of meditation works wonders for me. I use binaural beats from hemi-sync for out of body travel.
Here is an example of this.
The point is you have to find what works for you. There are ways to develop and work that give you an advantage.
Sending happy blessings your way,
Spirit Medium Laura