How to find happiness? Play the JOY Game every day! Shift your mood to happy by defining exactly what you love to do.
Once defined your joy concept takes root. Suddenly you are taking action based on how you defined happiness.
What is the JOY Game?
You are invited to come play the JOY game with me! Name the activities that bring you the most JOY in the comments section below on this page.
The more you write down what brings you JOY now, the more JOY you will have in your life.
JOY Begets JOY!
So if you are unhappy. Take a chance. Play the JOY GAME NOW!
You will find over time, naming what brings you joy starts to shift you to joy. You begin to realize that joy is not something outside of you.
As you define what brings you JOY you begin to realize that you have control over the amount of joy you experience in your life.
JOY is not out there. JOY is right in HERE – in your control, your mind and your choices.
Choose JOY! Joy is not something other people have, leaving you out. Joy is something you choose on a daily basis.
If I have learned anything from my years of private coaching and mediumship, it is that JOY is an INSIDE JOB!
Your inside job!
Happiness is a habit!

Today I was sitting at my computer pondering what to do with my day. Destiny was gently guiding me to make some changes.
What I used to do with my time, no longer brought me as much JOY (satisfaction) as it had.
Friends, activities and outlets that once brought me joy began to fade away.
In alignment with the JOY principles you need to follow joy to have joy.
So rather than sit around and moan that I was not happy, I took this time to marinate in what would bring me joy now.
As I began to do some searching I realized some things that could possibly bring me joy, at least I thought so.

How to Find Happiness? What Do I Think Will Bring Me JOY?
- Singing. OK. So I admit it I sound really great in the shower and who knows what I sound like elsewhere. :) But I definitely LOVE to sing, so I looked up classes near me. I can also sing at Karaoke parties.
- Acting. I used to get an enormous amount of pleasure emerged in the Thespian Arts. I added this to my list and looked up classes near me.
- Dance. I am already an avid dancer, still taking ballet classes after all these years. I just joined a Dance Team for performance, too.
- Painting, Drawing. I have been longing to paint images I get from spirit, but have no technique. I stopped painting at 16 years old when my high school art teacher forced us to paint cubes in shades of grey. Ugh! Now that desire to create is returning. Another activity to add to my JOY list! I found a technique I can do that will allow spirit to emerge through the work effortlessly. This is called Touch Drawing.
- Trading Stocks. I have long dreamed of being able to take one dollar and make it two dollars through the act of securities trading. I think I have the method now. Working on it!
- Sharing Success Systems From Spirit With Others. I already do work in helping others find success and happiness in their lives as a psychic medium and intuitive life coach, healer. I just ADORE finding success systems from spirit and sharing.
- Love RVs and nomadic lifestyle concept.
- Love all animals like cats, dogs, birds, horses, etc.
- Long walks in nature in any kind of weather. :)
- Throwing parties. Going to parties.
- Eating healthfully, compassionately and consciously.
- Finding solutions to problems others said could not be fixed.
- Math. Yes, you heard right. Always loved math. Something so magical about logic.
- Love playing this game. I am finding the more I play it, the more I remember what brings me joy. As joy revives in my mind, it increases my feel good hormones, releases stress and elevates my vibration. Joy begets joy.
- Etc. To be Continued…..
OK so what is on your joy list?
Add in comments below.
Come back as often as you like, because the more you define what brings you JOY, the more you will start to experience these activities. They come into your life.
Suddenly you are living JOY!
Suddenly you found out how to be happy!
Sending big joy filled hugs,