How to Find Your Inner Voice. Today as I prepared for a client session that glorious inner voice spoke to me.
I knew this voice was my connection to spirit whispering in my ear information about my client that would be “dead on” correct.
When you find your inner voice you will receive guidance that is absolutely correct for you or perhaps another. It is probably the most important tool you could have to live a successful life.
Your inner voice never lies. It has a periscope of sight outside of time and space. It can see all things, all places and in a way that is all correct for you.
Your inner voice is like being able to speak to the Collective Conscious for the wisdom and healing of all time and all places.

The Way I Accessed That Inner Voice – How to Find Your Inner Voice
When I prepare to work with clients I do a binaural hemi-synch out of body meditation. I add in a prayer about receiving guidance that is unfettered by my own ego mind, but rather is 100% accurate for the good of my client.
After that I focus on the name of the client while I shuffle a deck of Tarot cards. That inner voice will tell me when to stop shuffling and what card to pull.
Inevitably the message from that card is absolutely correct for the client.
I even do this when I prepare for mediumship to the other side. The messages are always on point, what the client needs to hear.
But wait! This is not only something I can do. It is something you CAN and SHOULD do!
Why? Because your deepest abundance will come by learning how to access, find and hear your inner voice.
That voice is not you, in the small, ego sense. That voice is your connection to the Infinite Consciousness of the higher realms.
Another Story About This Inner Voice – How To Find Your Inner Voice
The other day I found this exquisite video on youtube of a young Norwegian woman who heard and followed her inner voice.
She felt that living in a large expensive urban residence was not for her. Instead she was led to find a place on the countryside, where she carved a cave out of the mountain, furnished with free scraps she found and other items she obtained for very little cost.
This “cottage” was sustainable, but more than that, it was inspirational. While staying in it for two weeks she had the idea and wrote a movie about a story she had from childhood.
This film won special mention at the Locamo Film Festival 2022. “The Locarno Film Festival is a major international film festival, held annually in Locarno, Switzerland.” Taken from Wikipedia.
She had no background in writing per se. Her inner voice wrote this through her.

Video Summary of Inner Voice Example – How to Find Your Inner Voice
Here’s a summary of the video about her entitled “She built underground cabin in remote Arctic for $200 as cozy Stealth Home”:
The creator has made the cabin accessible to others, allowing people to stay and experience the beauty of the Arctic, while also showcasing unique interior design elements, such as a protective burning technique on the walls.
The video showcases a unique underground cabin built in the remote Arctic region of Norway, highlighting the stunning natural beauty of the area, including majestic mountains and the Northern Lights.
The creator shares her personal journey of moving to the Arctic, initially living in a tent during the summer and enjoying the serene environment filled with bird songs and sunlight.
To prepare for the harsh winter, she began collecting driftwood to construct a more permanent and warm shelter, emphasizing her desire to connect with nature.
The cabin is cleverly camouflaged within the landscape, making it blend seamlessly with its surroundings, which adds to its charm and stealthy appeal.
Imagine you could create your own Muse Retreat that would allow you to tap into your genius to create an abundant future based on what you love, not what you are frightened of avoiding?
Ha ha. Does this sound too good to be true?
Well I invite you to try. Below you will find steps to Find Your Inner Voice, which anyone can enjoyably duplicate.
Life can be fun. It does not have to be a torture!
How to Find Your Inner Voice
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by external voices—opinions, expectations, and advice from others. Finding your inner voice, however, is about reconnecting with your authentic self, your true thoughts, feelings, and instincts.
It’s that quiet, but powerful, guide that helps you navigate life with clarity and purpose. Discovering this inner voice isn’t always simple, but it’s a deeply rewarding process that fosters self-awareness and confidence.
Here are some ways to tap into your inner voice and let it guide you:
1. Quiet the External Noise
The first step in hearing your inner voice is to quiet the noise around you. Constant distractions, whether from social media, work, or other people’s opinions, can drown out your intuition. To connect with your true self, create moments of silence where you can simply be.
This might mean setting aside time each day for meditation, going on a walk in nature, or just sitting quietly in a room. In these moments of stillness, you allow your mind to settle, which creates space for your inner voice to emerge.

2. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness helps you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, you can observe the different voices and impulses that arise in your mind and discern which ones feel aligned with your authentic self.
Whether through meditation, yoga, or simple deep-breathing exercises, mindfulness allows you to tune into your body and mind, helping you recognize the subtle whispers of your inner voice. This practice also teaches you to stay present, making it easier to hear the clarity that lies within.
3. Embrace Solitude
Solitude is often where the most profound self-discoveries happen. When you’re constantly surrounded by others, it’s easy to lose touch with your own thoughts and feelings. Spend time alone to reconnect with yourself.
This doesn’t mean isolating yourself indefinitely, but carving out regular periods where you can reflect and listen to your inner world. Whether you take a weekend retreat or simply unplug for an hour each day, solitude offers the space for self-reflection and the opportunity to hear your inner voice more clearly.

4. Journaling
Writing can be a powerful tool to help uncover your inner thoughts. When you journal, you’re not just recording events but engaging in a conversation with yourself. Writing down your feelings, fears, hopes, and dreams can reveal patterns and insights about what truly matters to you.
Try free writing without any expectations or structure; just let the words flow. Over time, you may begin to notice recurring themes or ideas that resonate deeply with your authentic self. These could be the subtle nudges of your inner voice.
5. Trust Your Intuition
Your inner voice often speaks through your intuition. This is that gut feeling, instinct, or immediate sense of what feels right or wrong. Trusting your intuition can be challenging, especially in a world that values logic and reason.
However, learning to trust your gut reactions can help you tune in to your inner wisdom. The more you act on your intuition, the stronger your connection to your inner voice will become.
6. Let Go of Perfectionism
Perfectionism can cloud your inner voice by making you second-guess yourself or fear making mistakes. The truth is, your inner voice doesn’t require perfection; it simply asks you to be authentic and honest.
Accept that it’s okay to make mistakes and be imperfect. This acceptance allows you to listen to your inner voice without judgment or fear.

7. Seek Inspiration from Nature
Nature has a unique way of helping us reconnect with our inner selves. The quiet beauty of a forest, the vastness of the ocean, or the stillness of a mountaintop can help clear the mental clutter and allow us to tap into deeper layers of our consciousness.
Spend time outdoors and notice how the natural world brings a sense of calm and clarity. These moments often provide a direct channel to your inner wisdom.
Finding your inner voice is a journey of self-discovery that requires patience, presence, and trust. By quieting the noise around you, embracing solitude, practicing mindfulness, and listening to your intuition, you can begin to hear the subtle yet powerful voice within.
As you strengthen this connection, your inner voice will become a trusted guide, helping you navigate life with authenticity and purpose.