HOW TO FIX A RELATIONSHIP: Moving from fear to love
When you are trying to fix a relationship you are usually in fear of losing it. You feel like you will die, expire, disintegrate or blow up if you do not have it.
The relationship is “filling” you with something you feel you do not have yourself. This is an addiction.

The way to “fill” yourself completely and not seek it through others is by connecting to your own soul. This will provide a feeling of bliss, completeness and competence to live on your own, without “needing” another. It means that when you enter into a relationship you will be bringing yourself into it, versus coming in empty looking to define who you are.
It is only through self completion can a relationship withstand the tests of conflict. When you need another too much because you have not given love to yourself first, your relationships will be conflicted, consumptive and confounding.
So the old adage, “Love yourself first,” is the healthy way to “fix” a relationship. Fix yourself first and all around you will be better.
HOW TO FIX A RELATIONSHIP: Moving from fear to love
Here is a way to fix a relationship with L O V E. (Get these steps for FREE by joining my mailing list at upper right of this page. You will get four classes on these steps for free.)
1. Letting Go of trying to control the other person, yourself or outcome. Being grateful, forgiveness, meditation, prayer and handing it up to higher power excellent for this.
2. Opening to how you really feel about life, things, what you love and adding these things into your life on a regular basis. Taking care of you, is essentially what this means.
3. Vibrating at higher levels. Energy clearing such a chakra clearing meditation will help with this.
4. Embracing the GOD flow that comes from these steps: Guidance, Opportunity and Destiny. See everything as good. Live more intuitively. Flowing with your “feelings” once you have cleared fear and aligned with love.
HOW TO FIX A RELATIONSHIP: Moving from fear to love. You can get a free version of these steps by listening to my Jan 2014 radio shows. Go to upper right of this page to join my mailing list. You will get the link for this free material.
Spirit Medium Laura