How to Follow My Intuition

How to Follow My Feelings? Taking time to hear, listen and then acknowledge how you feel is the most important as a human to actualize your potential.

How to Follow My Intuition. Below find the answer to this question.

Are you following your intuition?  If you are fighting your feelings you may find you are not being led by spirit.

How to Follow My Feelings? Sit still and ask yourself how do I FEEL about this.

Why?  Because spirit talks to you through your feelings.

The next time you “feel” to do something and do not do it, you may regret it.

Last week I left my house to go out for the evening dancing.  On the way there I did not feel like going.

That evening I did not have a good time.  It was almost like I was invisible to others in the room, ignored for dances, conversations and the like.

On the way home I laughed at myself thinking, “Why did I NOT follow my intuition!  I should have known better as I teach this to others.”

Not following your intuition is tantamount to flailing yourself with a whip!

It is abusive to yourself, your true self, your soul.

Each person comes to earth with a purpose, a plan.  This plan can be fulfilled or it can be fought.

When you follow your feelings, you enter the miraculous state of flow, where feelings lead you to your powerful, magnificent expression, while not following your feelings leads you to ruin.

Your intuition is there to protect you from harm and lead you to your abundant flow.

What is flow?

Flow is a miraculous state of being where events are attached to synchronicity leading you to your destiny.  Your destiny is abundant.

Here is a bit of channeling on this from St. Ignatius Loyola.  It will help you understand how to follow your intuition.

Dear Spirit why it is important to follow your feelings, your intuition?

We are here.  Your feelings hold within them the seeds of greatness.  See them as the seeds to flowers, the expression of your journey through earth vibration.

Without feelings you as a human would be nothing.  You would be a robot, a machine or even worse not divine.

You feelings are what make you real, alive and centered.  Your feelings are your soul.

A human without a feeling is worthless.  But more importantly from the journalist value of this article, your feelings are your protection, your armor and your guidance system leading you through life to your Destiny.

If you were to stop worrying and start following your intuitive hunches, feelings and guidance, you would find you would be a lot more peaceful, entering into a state of abundant flow.

Your feelings are following the flow of the Deity called God.

Your feelings are the Deity called God.

Your feeling will lead and guide you forever, never let them down.

Always hear, listen, obey and acknowledge them.

When you do you will find you get more and more intelligence from your higher power leading you towards your abundant fate and destiny.

So today we will acknowledge your feelings with you.

Sit down for a moment and listen to yourself.  How do you feel?  What do you want more than anything else.

Take a moment to hear yourself cry for what it needs.

Now ask yourself, what do I feel to do that will lead me towards this goal, desire or dream for myself?  What can I do?

Sitting still and doing nothing is an option, for quite often there is nothing to do but acknowledge what you feel.

The more you acknowledge what you feel, the more you will find that your feelings will be great, wonderful and alert.  The more awakened your feeling nature, the more you will get from them.

They will actualize your potential and allow you to flourish.

Your feelings will lead and guide you to greatness, to bliss, to your destiny.  Your feelings actualize what you truly want. 

Your feelings are the magical elixir from which your Destiny emerges.

Your feelings create your experience in life, not manifesting, not law of attraction.  It is feeling your feelings, sitting with them, allowing them to grow quietly in your garden of self. 

The more you feel what you feel the better your life will become.   Your feelings when heard, acknowledged and accepted create your life experience. 

If you would do nothing more than journal for 15 minutes each day about how you feel, what you want and desire, your life will become miraculous.

There is something very magical about stating what you really want from your soul’s perspective. 

Say it and it will be, similar to ask and ye shall receive.

The more you acknowledge who you are, what you want, the more you will become this. 

Feelings are everything my dear, feelings are everything.


Spirit Guides through Laura

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