How to Get a Miracle to Happen. One day it hit me how many miracles I have experienced. My next thought was “Is it possible to describe how to get a miracle to happen?”
Today I will break this down.
Below I will look into the miracles I have experienced.
The next thing I will do here is attempt to break down the mechanics of miracles to see if there is a systematic way to create miracles in your life with consistent success.
Share Your Miracles – How to Get a Miracle to Happen
Please feel free to share any miracles you have had in the comments below. I guarantee when you start to think about it, you will realize you have had more than one miracle too!

My list of miracles (not exhaustive) – How to Get a Miracle to Happen
- Health.
- Lower Spine. Doctor told me I needed to get my back operated on or I would lose ability to walk in later life. I never had the operation because I was frightened of it. I have found that with consistent physical therapy not only do I walk but dance like a Giselle whenever I get the chance!
- Scoliosis. Told by doctors that there is nothing that can be done for scoliosis, which I have. Not only did I straighten it with certain exercises I psychically was shown, but later discovered there are clinics now that do similar work with others all over the world. In other words, what a doctor says should not limit you search for a solution. The world is a magical, miraculous self healing place!

- Wrinkles away. I started getting a lot of wrinkles on my face. After doing a bit of research I creatively combined diverse resources into my own skin cream using glycolic acid. Within a few months my skin is smooth and firm, tight and luminescent. I have even eliminated the under eye bags that seem ubiquitous in the aging. Other people around me are getting “cosmetic procedures,” but I have managed to avoid the knife.
- Recurring Illness. I used to get sick all the time. It got so bad at one point in my life I was sick every four weeks for six weeks with a virilent upper respiratory infection. After consulting with a physician no solution was offered. I took it upon myself to do a little research on how to rebuild my immune system. It worked! Now I rarely get sick and if I feel something coming on I gargle with salt water and it immediately goes away.

- Love. I actually did a love ritual three times in my life. Each time I did it I met my next love relationship, including my husband, within 2 weeks of doing the prayer. Now that is very weird.
- Lucid Dreams from Deceased. I have had and continue to have lucid dreams. Once right before my mother transitioned she came to me during the night in a three dimensional field to say she loved me. She did the same the night after she died. My cat Sabrina visited me the morning after she died, sitting right on the floor next to my bed waking me up with her meow!
- Telepathic Dreams. One night after my divorce I had a dream my ex-husband was with me in a loving way. Next day I asked him on the phone if he had a similar experience. He confirmed he did.
- Telepathic Dream. Once I dreamed that a large 747 plane has slipped on a runway at an airport near me. Next morning the news revealed this had happened.
- Telepathic Dream. Once I dreamed a co-worker of mine, six months pregnant, gave birth to a baby boy. Next morning I found out she had had an early birth and it was a boy!

- Knowing. Last week I had a problem with a dance dress. The sleeves kept falling down as I danced. I realized a safety pin would solve the problem, but wondered where I could get one. I immediately knew to ask this one lady at the dance. Sure enough she had a safety pin to lend me. Problem solved.
- Money. I made a million dollars after setting this as a goal. I was coincidentally led into a job where awarded stock options made this possible.

There are so many other miracles I have experienced both large and small. When I think about this there is one thread which weaves through all of them.
Believe Anything Is Possible! How to Get a Miracle to Happen
If you believe that something is possible, you begin to set into motion your creative psychic mind. All kinds of things begin to appear you did not think were possible.
The most salient road to miracles then is an open minded approach to living, not accepting limitations, believing in yourself and in the universe to provide.
Life is a liquid experience. Reality is not fixed, it is flowing as per our consciousness. Believe something is possible and suddenly the floodgates of what is possible open.
Set Clear Intention
After I decided I would try to find a solution to seemingly unsolvable problem, I made a very clear statement of the results I wanted.
I now keep this list in a Journal, but anyway you do this will work. But you have to do it! You must clearly and precisely state the outcome of what you desire as if it already happened.
Answer the Who, What, Where, When and Why questions around your intention to ensure it is complete and then completed by the universe.

Age Reversal
Today Dr. David Sinclair, Ph.D. Harvard heads a lab in which they have slowed the aging process in mice, reversed it and even restored vision where a mouse was blind from glaucoma.
What we once thought was impossible like flying in a plane is now possible, so why limit yourself?
Believe In Your Miracles and They Begin to Materialize
For my new year resolution I will set the intention to believe in miracles. I pledge to create them more and more.
What is your resolution?
Spirit Medium Laura