HOW TO GET RICH: Channeling on Financial Abundance
We all long for it, right? Wealth, riches beyond our wildest dreams, or at least the freedom that comes from having money.
At times I worry if I will have enough money for the roof repair, dental work or unexpected expense that has come my way. I used to be what could be considered affluent.
Working most of my adult life to acquire riches, using metaphysical and spiritual principles, as well as hard work, I wondered how could I lose this wealth? But I did.
No matter how much I used the manifesting principles that got me to the wealth, they just did not seem to work any longer. Now as a Spirit Medium, I earn enough to live somewhat well, however, I am no longer able to simply sit and watch the sun rise and set as my main occupation for the day.
I earn a living.
While this is fabulous for someone who was almost homeless, and while I am extremely grateful that spirit led me to my true calling, at times, getting older, I wonder how much longer I can work.
So you catch my drift.
We all probably at some time in our life wonder if and when we will retire, or simply have more freedom, buy what we want and just well be rich.
Here is some channeling to see what the divine beings have to say about this and if there is any healing they can provide in this endeavor.
Channeling Begins.
Love is the answer to most prayers and requests on earth. At the expense of sounding repetitious we want you to know that love is the only way to go.
The love principle runs through everything and anything on earth dimension. The reason is earth gives you the idea that you are separate from love.
Love is financial abundance. Love is having wha tyou want and need. On earth it appears that what you want and need is not with you.
Earth provides the opportunity to feel separate from that which you want and need. This is what love is all about.
Love is the connecting principle that attaches you to what you want and need.
Love is how to get rich.
This may sound feeble or not possible, but again this is the way to get rich.
The way to get rich is to know that you are rich right now. In this knowing you will act a certain way.
You will live as a rich person.
Think for a moment what is it that you want when you are rich? What will that do for you now that you do not have.
Then go about finding ways to have it now.
For example. When you are rich you will not worry about money. You will simply live in a state of secure feelings.
So if you are worried about money now, you must seek ways to be not worried.
If that means taking a course in how to not worry, then do so now.
If that means finding a way to pay for your bills today then do that now.
Then as you begin to learn how to NOT worry about having enough money, you begin to see how abundance is there for everyone.
The only way to can connect to an abundant mindset is to be in the now of love. To feel love everyday and every way that you breathe.
Then as you see abundance and live abundantly you will learn how love can provide for you.
Money does not come from money. Money comes from love.
Her is a brief exercise to help you attract money.
1. Sitting in a chair or lying down take a few breathes of love and energy of the universe. Be still in breathing in and out the energy that is there for you at the breath.
2. Enjoy your energy breath.
3. Now think about this breath for a moment. Did you have to pay for it? No. It is available to you and everyone for the taking.
4. Now think about money as energy breath. It is there for you and everyone for the taking.
5. You are not separate from breath. You are not separate from money.
6. Money comes to those who care about themselves and others and take steps to have more abundance in their daily life in every way.
7. Know that money is there for you.
8. Know that breathe is there for you.
And so we say again. Money is there for everyone just as simply as the breath of air is breathable for you.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
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