How to Get Rid of Cellulite On Thighs Home Remedies

How to Get Rid of Cellulite On Thighs Home Remedies. Discover a few home remedies that are working for me, and some new ideas too.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite On Thighs Home Remedies.  Ah, cellulite.  The older you get the more difficult it is to get rid of cellulite on thighs.

A sudden thing happened to me when I went through a stressful time in my life.  My thighs went crazy with cellulite.

I had been sitting a lot all day working to create this business as a medium, after the love of my life left me and I lost almost my entire nest egg of savings.

It was “do or die” time.

So from this experience I would say one of the most important things I had to do at that time to try to get rid of cellulite on thighs as a home remedy was diet, exercise, massage, brushing, chemical exfoliation.

Here is a break down of what I did and some other effective suggestions.

  1. LOW GLYCEMIC (low sugar, simple carb) DIET.  This type of diet is usually high in soluble and insoluble fiber attained from low starch vegetables and low sugar fruit.
    • I now eat this way.  Not only is this a way to easily control your weight, but I discovered this as a fix for acne (yes adult acne), and effective for all conditions related to body inflammation, of which cellulite is one.
  2. HYDRATION.  Take enough water, hydration is important.
  3. CIRCULATION.  Improve circulation to that area.  Ways to do this are
a.  Massage.  Here is a link to a way to massage yourself specifically for cellulite using what is called a Fascia Blaster.
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b.  Exercise that specifically targets that area like lunges, squats, etc.
c.  Cupping.  This is really interesting, if you have the patience.  Here is a video on this subject.  I think this woman really demonstrates success with this method.

Cupping product good for the thighs.

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Good Cupping Video
d.  Dry skin brushing.  I brush my thighs with a natural bristle brush, but I do this while wet in the shower (saves time).  After the shower I apply Apple Cider vinegar mixed with a moisturizer.  These two “therapies” seem to be working really well.
Good Drybrushing Video.
e.  Oils like one mentioned above.
f.   Natural Astringents (they stimulate circulation too) like Apple Cider Vinegar, Witch Hazel, Butcher’s Broom, White Oak Bark.  CURRENTLY I use Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in my favorite moisturizer.  Seems to be working.
g.  Whirlpool baths.  I think in addition to whirlpool baths probably just swimming could help.
4.  CLEANSING. Elimination of toxins.
a.  Discussed above.  Keep bowels as clean as possible so high fiber, high fluid diet.
b.  Liver detox.  Garlic and citrus fruits clean the liver and detox the body.
c.  Breathing.  It is imperative to get enough oxygen in and out of the lungs on a daily basis.  Aerobic exercise, deep breathing and breath work can also help.
d.  Lymph System.  Rebounding an exercise good to cleanse the system as well as walking, drinking lemon and water every day, etc.   Here is a good article on this.

Rebounder from

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Well, hope this offers you some additional resources to work on your cellulite issues.
Much love,

2 thoughts on “How to Get Rid of Cellulite On Thighs Home Remedies”

  1. No Robyn. I changed from wet (not dry) brushing to using the Fascia Blaster now. it has really helped.

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