Many of us have been there. It is the holidays. The time of year when having someone in your life that you love and are close to matters more than other times of the year.
At least it seems so.
Perhaps that is one of the keys to healing. Realize that this time of the year one has many expectations of happy times, not loss or a broken heart.
Here are some ways to deal with the a broken heart or loss at the holidays.
1. Embrace the happy energy of the season. Do something charitable, even for yourself.
Buy yourself a holiday gift. Do something particularly nice for yourself.
Give to others.
This is a time of year I find it very easy to be happy, although in the past I felt sadder at the holidays, especially if I had or did not have someone in my life.
Yes, you heard me correctly. I was sad if I was alone, breaking up, being with someone. I was just sad.
The holidays can do strange things to us. They can make us have anticipation, expectations of what SHOULD be.
SHOULDS are one of the most dangerous and toxic attitudes you can house in your head.
2. Let go of the shoulds, and begin to live in the now.
When you live in the now, you do not arrive at it with an expectation. You simply let go, find the joy and enter it.
So begin today to live in the now and you will find your Holiday Broken Heart or Loss can begin to deflate.
3. Here are some ways to arrive in the now right now! First, let go of any expectations about what you should do, how you should feel.
Allow time to be alone and contemplate yourself, feel love, meditate, see the stars at night, the sunset, the sunrise. Get back to “feeling” the energy of nature. This is extremely healing.
4. Find time to get out with friends to holiday parties, gatherings and events to celebrate just being. The holiday time of year is filled with events from Tree Lighting Ceremonies to parties. Take advantage of these events.
Be present and the present will gift you with the NOW!
5. What do you like to do? Dance? Well, get out your dancing shoes and dance like no one is watching.
Do you like to shop, garden, talk, work psychically, paint, act, sing? Find your creative outlet if you do not have one AND DO IT!
There is nothing more healing than engaging in action doing the things you LOVE! Doing what you love attracts a feeling of love, the love that can only come from being in the moment, being prescient.
6. Pray to create a relationship, a connection, to your higher power. No one but your connection to “source, God, your higher power” can complete you.
If you are feeling lost and alone, developing your connection to a higher power will be quite healing.
Go to your place of worship. Pray out loud to your higher power. Ask for what you want and need. If it is healing, ask for that.
Nothing comes close to the healing that can come from connection to higher power.
7. Take exquisite care of your health. Drink moderately or stay away completely from alcohol, toxic foods and lethargy. Engage in healthy habits as being challenged emotionally requires more support from your body then you realize.
8. Consider taking an antidepressant as prescribed by a physician or if you feel so inclined try something natural. Taking something which can shift your inner biochemistry to a limited time can do wonders to help and heal you.
I once was going through a terrible broken heart. The pain was intolerable to me. My sister suggested this unique supplement combination which helped me within one to two days feel better.
It is Inositol, Choline Bitartrate, Calcium and B1.
Dear Spirit Guides what can you offer us about HOW to HEAL a BROKEN HEART at the HOLIDAYS?
There is no such thing as a broken heart in the spirit world, where all things are understood, connected and realized.
You are not separate from one another in the spirit world. You are connected to one another.
So at times, when you experience the illusion of loss at the holidays, it is up to you to remember there is no loss. There is only love.
Ask the one you love to come to you at night in your dreams. Ask they come to you in your dreams and talk to you, be with you and enjoy your company. You can do this with a person if they are alive on earth or in the spirit world.
[NOTE: A way to do this is Telepathy and Remote Influence.]
It is up to you to ask for forgiveness if that is what is needed. Or to ask they return if they are still on earth if that is what is desired.
Loss can be quite devastating until you realize there is no loss, only love and you can make that connection.
Spirit Medium Laura Channeling The Ones”
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