How to Heal Karmic Imprints. Your soul planned a karmic challenge in this life time for your good, and the greater good.
Today I was in session with a client. She asked how, if at all, she could heal her son’s karma. He has severe autism.
To my surprise spirit told her she could not heal his karma. He had to want to heal his karma.
Then spirit encouraged her to seek the advice of a Karmic Astrologer, as it would guide her through the following channeled information.
She could better understand his soul’s plan and perhaps help extract the good from it. She might be able to heal his karmic imprints.

Channeling: What Is the Good of Karma? How to Heal Karmic Imprints
Usually those that plan a life where they experience extreme physical illness, limitations and disease are evolved souls who want to evolve. The illness offers a chance to grow and aid the greater good.
When one soul is able to live through adversity, this consciousness is spread to others to heal and help them.
Next time you collapse into a frenzy because something went wrong in your life think about this.
Those that can constructively deal with adversity are transmitting their positive consciousness to the total.
Courage creates the consciousness of courage which others can benefit from.
Fear creates the opposite.
We each are sharing our consciousness with others whether we realize it or not.

You are a Living Radio Station. How to Heal Karmic Imprints.
Everything you think, feel and experience is not ending at your skin. It has an energy imprint which extends outside of your form into the general energy of everything.
So if an evolved soul chooses to experience physical adversity it is because this soul wants to evolve faster to higher planes of existence.

How to Overcome Karma. How to Heal Karmic Imprints.
Maybe Karma is not such a bad thing. It is there for our growth.
As a human animal it is important to experience Karma for the good of all. Your karma can raise and reset the vibration of the All.
When you have suffering look it as a positive thing. It is there for your growth and to help others.
The way you handle your Karma presents the opportunity of growth to all.

How to Extract Growth From Karma
The best way to grow from karma or potential patterns of suffering is to find and express the good and the positive in it.
For example, if you were born into a wheelchair for this life time, you would have a choice to make this a positive or a negative.

The Possible Positives From Karma
Perhaps this wheelchair will force you to remain stable to study and learn more. Perhaps such study can uncover new truths that help other people.
Perhaps it would give you the opportunity to play sports from within the confines of the wheelchair thus developing in you courage, will power and determination.
Lastly perhaps the confines of the wheelchair would encourage your development of empathy to others thus encouraging you to become a therapist to help others with challenges of mobility as well as other limitations.

Grasping the Positives
You see each time you are presented with challenges you are also presented with opportunities.
It is the grasping of the opportunities that offers the evolution.
Now you may wonder, “Well what is the good of being born into a severe case of autism, where even the cognitive skills have been smothered, erased or warped.”
Potentially in this situation there is an opportunity to learn patience, self awareness and other internally focused behaviors.
Whenever the individual cannot easily have something desired the soul has the opportunity to evolve or not.

This is the basic message.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura