How to Increase Synchronicity. Have you ever had a book accidentally present to you (meant for you to read)? I have.
A Magical Book Appears – How to Increase Synchronicity
I was introduced to the Sanaya Roman channeled books over 30 years ago when a train in New York I was commuting on stalled. This was something that happened all the time so I knew if I stayed on the train I could be there for an hour or more.
Instead of sit there and wait, I decided to go a book store at that neighborhood.
When I got into the book store a book, “Creating Money, Keys to Abundance,” by Sanaya Roman appeared in front of me. It did not exactly fall off the shelf, but did appear in front of me as I browsed the store.
I eagerly devoured it. Following steps in that book, I was led to a job with Microsoft Corporation. After a few months there I discovered certain employees had been awarded enough stock options to become multi-millionaires.

A Major Synchronicity – How to Increase Synchronicity
I realized spirit had led me to an opportunity through a synchronicity.
As well, I was being taught by spirit that our guides are constantly leading us and helping us.
You probably are wondering, “well, how the heck do I get Spirit to lead me like that?”
The answer is very simple. “By asking.”
Some people call this manifesting or law of attraction or prayer, but when you settle your mind and keep affirming that you are now in possession of this or that thing you desire, something very magical happens.
You get led.
Your psychic ability opens.
Your awareness increases to follow this or that coincidence and opportunity.
Many might wonder “what does this have to do with mediumship?”
The answer is manifesting is a soul level activity. Our souls evolve when we learn how to create our reality through thought.
This is spiritual evolution in essence.
We create with our thinking.
It takes discipline to do this. How many times are you upset by circumstances or conditions?
My purpose on earth is to guide others to understand spirit, what the spirit world is, how to evolve spiritually and to bring in loved ones from spirit in an evidential way as a medium.
The essence of my work is to help people create their life as they see it and think it.

What is a Karmic Loop? How to Increase Synchronicity
At times we are trapped in what I call a Karmic Loop. We remain enmeshed in situations and conditions that keep repeating like “Groundhog Day.”
[“Groundhog Day,” is a movie about “Phil Connors, a cynical television weatherman covering the annual Groundhog Day event in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, who becomes trapped in a time loop, forcing him to relive February 2nd repeatedly.” Taken from HERE.]
The more we struggle to get out of a Karmic Loop the more entrenched we become. Like quick sand, this loop can swallow us up unless we learn how to stop resisting it, then heal out of it.
My first book, “Soul Abundance,” is a program to do this, but there are many ways to heal out of it.
One way out of this is through Energy Healing. Spirit has taught me a method to do this.
After realizing I had a block in the area of money recently, I asked spirit to heal me. This request was an honest, direct and passionate plea for assistance.
Right after this plea my guides revealed to me a method of healing where I envisioned light clearing and healing the area the block was located.
The block is usually housed in a certain location in the body relating to one or more of the seven basic chakras. In my case the block was in the lower spine, related to the root chakra.
I was having tremendous lower back pain at that time.

Healing With Light
Light is a recognized way to heal in the mystery traditions. My mother, once a Rosicrucian, did a healing on me using white light. Within minutes she had eradicated the pain I had.
White Light Healing is real and used in many meditations. Here is a link to a Rosicrucian Healing using colors of healing light rays.
In this healing technique The Guides started with white light, then channeled a series of other colors through me. Each color had a specific frequency and healing capability.
Within 3 days after this healing I had an insight. Before I explain the insight I need to reveal how steep a problem this was for me.
I had worked my tail off for at least eight years to leave Microsoft Corporation, the largest software company in the world, with a couple of million dollars.
My prosperity block was so severe, I lost most of that money. I made one bad decision after another for twenty years, as I assiduously attempted to learn and multiply what I had made.
Instead I only LOST money.
You could have used me to tutor you on all aspects of trading, options, money management, trend lines, technical analysis, chart reading and so on, but when it came to actually applying this to make money, I was a failure.
It should come as no surprise my dream was to be able to manage my own money, actually “swing trade” it to higher levels of prosperity.

Did the Clairvoyant Healing Work?
Finally after the Clairvoyant Healing I had a major breakthrough in concept. It was one of those breakthroughs you say to yourself, “Duh! Why couldn’t I have done this before!”
Since following this insight I am now successfully managing my own money in what is called swing trading.
Here is an article on how to swing trade using ETFs. ETFs are like mutual funds bought and sold like stocks. Maybe this article will help you.
Spirit Medium Laura