How to know your dharma. The second step in Soul Abundance is to Open a dialogue with your soul which includes your purpose or Dharma. When you align with it synchronicity, intuitive guidance and destiny unfold.

Joseph Campbell the famed mythologist said, “If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are — if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.“

The first step to Soul Abundance is Let Go of Fear which is Karma. If you are focused on reacting in fear to karma you remain in resistance to a negative cycle. This prevents you from ever entering the joyful state of flow.
The second step is to Open a dialogue with your soul, your authentic self. This includes discovering and embracing your soul purpose, your Dharma.
There is no greater joy in the universe than to be on point for yourself, to support your bliss, interests and goals, to express your true gifts in service.
Learning how to know your dharma is your strongest asset to abundance!
Yet, with peer pressure, the media and other methods of race hypnosis we easily are taken off point of who we are and into a mindset of consumerism to be what others say we should be!
Stop being what others want you to be and start taking the time to carefully curate how you feel about things in your life.
It is easy to get confused about what is bliss.
You might think bliss is driving around in a new luxury dream car. But if that car traps you in debt, forcing you to stay in a job and lifestyle you dislike, where is the abundance in that?
The more you align with what you love, your talents, interests and passions in service, the more life will support you.
This may sound strange, perhaps even weird, but yes, life indeed does support you when you follow your bliss.

Intuition Blocked without Soul Abundance!
Here is a story which show how important it is to know and live in alignment with your dharma.
Recently I was working with a client. She was trying to decide whether she should go back to Brazil or stay in the United States.
Her “flow” here in the United States was cut off. She was frustrated, not prosperous and lonely.
Her intuition was out of whack. She had made decisions based on pain, not on point for who she really is and now these decisions had come back to haunt her. This was why she had to come to me.
During her session spirit revealed and was validated by her:
- She was out of alignment with her Dharma in the United States. I felt very strongly she was an artist. She confirmed for me in Brazil she used to work as an artisan, helping to paint details on sculpture. In the United States she instead was cleaning houses.
- She had left Brazil to get away from a man. She confirmed this was true. She had made that decision based on pain, running away from something, but not going towards her soul purpose. She had wanted a new beginning, to heal her heart after a break up.
- She had come from an agrarian background in Brazil, which she confirmed. She did not realize how important living in an earthy environment close to nature, but yet urban enough like a city would allow her to thrive, prosper and expand.
- She was away from her mother and missing nurturing. She confirmed she was missing them very much, as her mother and entire family were in Brazil. She was out of touch with how much she needed this nurturing and how important it was to her.

Spirit concluded through me that it would be best to return to Brazil but not live on a farm, but rather live in a larger, more urban environment. There she could find work, people who were more sophisticated, be near her family and meet her future love mate.
This story suggests a few things.
- The Supernatural is real. We live in a responsive energy matrix. This energy is ubiquitous, conscious, responsive to our thoughts, and can be accessed for guidance.
- As an aside, we can turn on this intuitive wealth as a layman (not a practicing psychic) as we begin to Let Go in meditation and Open our Dharma.
- When we are on point for our Dharma, our soul purpose, our life will flow. My client’s life will get better when she gets in alignment with her true nature. That was the entire point of the session, to help her see what she could not, to align her with her Soul Abundance.
When I was done, I said to myself, “There it is again, this miraculous stuff! What is this anyway?”
I live in an entirely different universe than most people. To me the world is very magical, non linear and quite energetically responsive to my thoughts, feelings and projections.
I am here to tell you to become aware of this! You are not a paper puppet in a shadow puppet play.
You are the puppeteer creating the play!
Life is a living thing with a consciousness of its own, which responds in direct relationship to your projections!

The more you are aware of this, the more it can work for you. The next step to get your Soul Abundance light switch turned on is to Open Your Dharma.
My Story of Soul Abundance
When I was younger I fell victim to the idea that money, looks and accomplishment was everything. I believed this so much I:
- Worked 60 to 80 hours a week swallowing up my life in exchange for the promise of wealth from lucrative corporate stock options.
- Lost all the money because all I did with it once I had it was churn it, managing and manipulating it in so many ways it slowly melted away.
- Fell in love with someone who validated me for my externals (money, looks and sex), but not my spiritual depth as a person. I did not know (and therefore could not resonate) my true value as a person of talents and service.
- Got dumped by this man after I lost all my money.
- Fell ill for two years from all this loss, experiencing recurring virulent respiratory infections.
- Finally during the illness began to heal. The first step was aligning with my Dharma, as a natural born medium, intuitive and soul guide.
- Now I love what I do, feel innately of value and abundance follows to me regularly.
I am not wealthy by any means in a material sense, but I always have enough money to live well and enjoy my life.
I set my own hours, work to my own rhythm of creativity and have magical experiences of service to others on a regular basis.
What could be more abundant than that?

Tools to Access Your Dharma to Begin Turning On Your Light
I have prepared several ways for you to begin to Open your Dharma. The first way and most important way is to pay attention to how you feel about people, places and things.
The more you are aware of your feelings, then align with them, the more magical your life will become!
First Way to Discover Your Purpose: Journaling
Journaling is a primary way to begin unfolding your Dharma. Journal about how you feel about your life as it unfolds.
You can use Tarot cards as a tool along with this. Each day pick a card from a Tarot Deck or any Card Deck you feel attracted to use and journal on the card.
Journals. You might want to start with an actual journal you purchased specifically for the purpose of soul exploration. This is a great first step in supporting yourself to be you.

How to Know Your Dharma: Tarot Cards (or other Archetype Card Decks)
- Supplies: A book and pen to write with. A deck of Tarot cards or any archetype deck you like.
- Begin by setting the intention you are probing to discover your Dharma.
- Do a mindful meditation as described in the first step of Soul Abundance, Letting Go in meditation. Do this meditation for at least five minutes.
- After the meditation take the deck and loosely shuffle the cards on a table in front of you or in your hands.
- Pick a card that jumps out at you. It might literally fall to the floor, or simply you might feel it is a card to pull.
- Stare at the card.
- Write down any ideas that enter your mind. This is not an intellectual exercise. This is an intuitive exercise. Your ideas might not be what is in the card!
- Continue to do this on a regular basis as needed. You might only need to do this once or you might want to continue a regular practice to ensure you are on point for your feelings.
- It can reveal your Dharma over time.
Ryder Tarot Deck

Archetype Deck

This begins to open your third eye, your psychic sense and your spiritual compass.
Once you begin to do this you will wonder, “How did I ever live without this light before!”
Becoming more sensitive to who and what you are, then aligning with this truth, is your priceless tool for abundance.
How to Know Your Dharma: Archetypes
I use all kinds of archetypes when in sessions with clients to reveal their true nature. I use as Jungian archetypes, but there are astrology, numerology and even Totem Animals to be used as archetypes to reveal what your soul planned for you at birth.
You might wonder, how does this work? Very simply, we live in a conscious energy matrix which is connected. Each part of the universe knows itself.
This can be described as Zero Point Field.
“All conceivable shades of phenomenal awareness are woven into the frequency spectrum of a universal background field, called zero-point field (ZPF)” taken from Frontiers In Psychology, HERE.
I took the liberty of finding easy ways for you to discover your archetype, your soul purpose. Here are a few.
True Self Archetype Quiz

Here is a free Numerology Readings to help you discover your soul purpose.
Get a FREE Astrology Reading here.

Another Way toHow to Know Your Dharma: Soul Abundance Course.
As well you can take the Soul Abundance course, which is course #1 on this page.
Here is an intro video to this course.
How to Know Your Dharma: Crystals
Crystals and essential oils help you to align your consciousness with desired intentions. Each one can heal and help you in so many ways.
After doing a bit of research on which crystals help reveal soul purpose, I felt the answers were incorrect for the Soul Abundance healing system.
I kept hearing in my head that Rose Quartz is the proper crystal in this system of healing.
Rose quartz is the crystal of deep, unconditional love, healing deep trauma. In the Soul Abundance healing system we are accessing LOVE to heal our karmic pattern of fear to ascend to love.
Therefore, Rose Quartz is the crystal I recommend for this healing system.
Here is a beautiful piece of Rose Quartz jewelry which might inspire you.

How to Know Your Dharma: Essential Oils
When I asked spirit to reveal the correct oil for Soul Purpose, I received the 3rd Chakra.
I found support for this idea with this quote, “The third chakra embodies the energy of self-confidence that says, “This is me. This is who I am.” Taken from Spirituality Health website.
Here is a good quality essential oil that relates to the 3rd Chakra.
Put a bit in a diffuser for use during your meditation exercise mentioned above. Or Simply wear a bit of it a day until your soul purpose starts expressing regularly.

There are many ways how to know your dharma to reveal your soul purpose. This list is only a beginning.
The main method to discover your Dharma is pay attention to how you feel. Then aligning with your joy.
My purpose was revealed through loss. After following the path of material acquisition I lost all the money I had suffered to acquire at the same time I lost the love of my life.
After this trauma occurred, I almost lost my life as I fell ill for almost two years with recurring virulent respiratory infections.
I was weary, depressed and stuck in trauma.
Finally after I had no choice spirit led me to follow what I was interested in, what was my bliss. I followed this path of opening my true gifts as a psychic, medium and healer.
Here I am, living proof that we have a purpose. When we follow it life gets easier, more abundant.
When we do not life gets difficult, traumatic and challenging.
Follow your Dharma and thrive!
Spirit Medium Laura