How to Love. Over time each loving act you give yourself, you will give to another, creating a stream of love consciousness that will float throughout the stratosphere of love becoming only love for the universe and beyond the cosmic framework.
LOVE Is The Only ONE – How to LOVE – Channeled
We are here from the one, the only one. The one of God. We ask that you allow us into your lives.

We have come to help and heal and ask nothing in return. We only want to help you on earth evolve to the One, the One of Greatness, of God.
God is here to help. Not to hurt.
Many of you on earth believe that God is to hurt or punish if you are not “good,” so to speak.
However, we would like o illuminate and elucidate the meaning of love for this is The One.
We are the Ones who represent The One, who is the highest realm. He does not love conditionally if you are good or bad or whatever you think is necessary to be loved.
[He, It, whatever term you use to describe the ultimate power of consciousness that rules over everything, this being is not a being he is a force a power of love, only love.]
Love by its very nature is unconditional. It does not seek to exclude or evaluate your being, your self.
He loves you all the time in darkness and light whenever you are sad, when you are glad, whenever you hurt.
He wants you to know that you are The One too. You are a part of the all that is and therefore you are one with us and we are one with you.
When you hurt we feel your pain, knowing that pain is an illusion of your making.
Please do not create pain!
Create love instead.
How do you do this?
By loving yourself first, then all things follow suit. When you love yourself, you will find that others will love you as a natural consequence.
We mean ask yourself today what is it you can do for you that is the most cosmically loving thing you can do?
You will find the answer in short time to mean love, love, love.
Over time each loving act you give yourself, you will give to another, creating a stream of love consciousness that will float throughout the stratosphere of love becoming only love for the universe and beyond the cosmic framework.
We are beyond the cosmic framework. We are the Ones. We work with the Only One to help spread the idea of love, of greater illumination of love.
Without love there is no destiny, there is no present past or future. There is only null.
So love fills the void with essence, being and consequence.
Be the Love, not the void. Be the love, not the emptiness. Fill your life with love and you will find your life will fill with love.
Ask yourself today what is the most important thing you can do to serve yourself. You will find when you do it you will want to do it for another too.
Like begets like. Love begets love. And life begets life.
Life is love and love is life.
The Ones.