How to Manifest Easily with Soul Purpose. Jump on the co-creation superhighway.
By following joy, you access the magic behind your soul purpose. Manifesting then becomes almost effortless.
Your PROBLEM, is your PURPOSE, is your PROSPERITY!
Find your overall life problem and you are halfway to attaining your dreams! The goals you feel attracted to attain in life are hidden behind this life problem.
They are your soul’s purpose. It is no accident that fulfilling your purpose will feel joyful and happy to you, like the “secret daydream” you have on a continuing basis.
You are capable of attaining any goal you feel excited to have. Your soul speaks to you in the language of emotions and desires. JOY is its language.
So by focusing a bit each day on what you really, really want, what feels joyful to you, your soul will align your efforts with universal mind, the engine of all creativity.
When you follow what you really want, the energies of the universe gather to support you. Then magical coincidences, opportunities and intuitive hunches appear to guide you to success!

Once you have your joyful goal defined it is important to focus on it each day in a feeling meditation. Some call this a Vision Board.
I cannot emphasis enough how powerful a Vision Board can be if done correctly in this new Aquarian energy of 2021.
Feelings are now the magical elixir of co-creation, therefore, your vision board needs to reflect this powerful process.
Here is how to do so.
Steps to Create a Digital Vision Board Based on Your Soul Purpose to Manifest Easily.
1. Set a dream (goal) to work on. This should be something you REALLY want, that feels joyful, not something you think you need to have.
2. Pick a picture for that goal from
3. Paste into Paint or similar graphic package.
4. Write “feeling words” in 24 pt on body of picture.
5. Write a juicy headline (36pt, all caps), which can be a mantra for you during meditation. ex. LOVE WORK.
6. Under headline in 16 pt write the goal. This is a tangible accomplishment by a specific date. Ex. “Make $10,000 per month by 4/26).” “Be engaged to be married to my ideal mate in one year (state the date).” “Attain my ideal weight in six months (state the date).” Etc.
1. Look at vision board picture.
2. State the headline.
3. Read, then feel the feelings.
4. Take 3 steps each day to support the goal. ex. Let’s use “ideal weight” as the goal. 1. Find a sustainable approach to eating that is healthy and supports ideal weight. 2. Get my heart rate up in aerobic and resistance for at least 30 minutes each day. 3. Drink 64 ounces of water on a daily basis.
Reference: Article on manifesting in the new energy. Spiritual Manifestation: Ascension Energy