How to Overcome Loneliness of Being Single. Use the miracle of loneliness to find yourself. Give yourself the gift of self support.
This week I had a client say to me she felt lonely. I had another client going through a very painful relationship breakup.
Lastly, I had a friend admit she is afraid of being alone, so frantically goes about trying to fill her time with as many social activities as possibly.
If you can relate to any of this, apparently you are not the only one.
We can feel alone when we are not in a relationship. We can feel alone when we are in a relationship.
Ever hear the saying, “I feel alone in the crowd?”
I believe loneliness is becoming an epidemic, as bad as obesity and probably worse.

Being Lonely Can Shorten Your Life – How to Overcome Loneliness of Being Single
One of the key components to longevity is to be part of a community of nurturing social connections. Communities around the world where people live the longest (The Blue Zones is an example) all have social connection as one of their features.
“Studies show that friendship and social connections provide intellectual stimulation and emotional support through hardships,” taken from The Blue Zones.

Being Alone Versus Being Lonely – How to Overcome Loneliness of Being Single
In contrast to the above truism, we all intuitively know that we can feel alone even when we are married, in a social group or around people if these connections are not supportive of us.
When I was married I felt very alone, even though I had a person next to me with whom to hang out. I married before I knew who I was, what really made me tick.
I married just to be married. It is no wonder that relationship made me feel very controlled. I did not know how to assert myself because I was not supportive of me.
If you try to fill your loneliness with getting married or into a relationship before you have learned how to be alone and love it, how to support yourself, you probably will attract the wrong partner for you.
In this state of self completion the possibility increases of attracting the right partner for you. One who will support you as you are, as you will support him or her as they are.

Loneliness Is Self Abandonment – How to Overcome Loneliness of Being Single
When you feel alone it is because YOU have abandoned YOU.
The first step to ending a feeling of loneliness of being single is to become married to yourself. Get to know yourself.
Spend time thinking each day about what will make you happy. Then make plans to do it.
Sometimes I Feel Lonely – How to Overcome Loneliness of Being Single
I have come to realize when I feel lonely it is because I fell into the illusion that others will fill my void, bring me a feeling of being happy, connected and loved.
To a certain extent this is true.
When I go out with friends I have a happiness glow for a while. But then it wears off. Suddenly the fairy dust settles and all I see in the mirror is me.
It is only when I get into being me, that the fairy dust is sustainably resurrected. I find things to do that I love, am interested in doing and are solving a problem I seek to resolve in a creative way.
When I work in this psychic business, I feel complete, as an example.

Being In a Relationship Is Not The Answer
As soon as you realize this you begin to work on the real “cure” to loneliness.
This “cure” is to begin giving.
Give to get.
Give yourself the gift of listening to your heart and supporting the real you with action, activities and engagement.
One of the clients I mentioned above longed to be in a love relationship. But she was not supporting her true self.
She instead was attempting to mute her “music” so to speak, to be palatable to not offend. Instead of this bringing in her love, it created a refraction.
It robbed her of her charisma, her ability to emit that magnetic chemistry of attraction!
Not only was this person physically beautiful, but she was a very powerful woman of significant professional accomplishment.
I knew psychically the one love of her life (who was deceased) loved her power.
She now longed for a partner with this passion for her. One who would love her for being powerful, spunky and fierce.
During the session spirit suggested to her to begin supporting this aspect of herself. This would bring in the exciting love partner she desired.

The Power of Authenticity – In Conclusion to How to Overcome Loneliness of Being Single
Being inauthentic, trying to fit in, be someone else, do what other people like just to please them, will only augment feelings of being alone.
It is only by being your true self in the most authentic way, can you overcome the loneliness of being single.
This will end the frantic seeking for companionship, like a puppy chasing its tail.
This will birth your deepest connection to you, first, then in kind, attracting the one, who matches your true polarity.

Stop trying to fill your emptiness with a sugar high of quick social fixes.
Start instead living each day powerfully in your truth, to ignite the momentum of your soul plan, attracting to you the wealth of loving counterparts on all levels.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private appointment with Spirit through Laura at
Further Study. This is a great video which illustrates many of the points I made above. There is a course being sold at the end of the video. I am not endorsing the course, nor do I receive compensation if you decide to take it.
However I do this this video is helpful Enjoy!