How To Raise Your Vibration For Manifestation. You can raise your vibration to manifest more effectively in life with art, music, dance and live singing.
Live Singing Story – How to Raise Your Vibration For Manifestation
The other day I was invited to listen to live singing of classical show tunes and opera at a local art museum. I went with an open heart, but had no idea what was ahead.
I even mused I might be a bit bored.
Before the performance I looked around the room to see if there were any clues of what was ahead. Everything looked ordinary enough.
I was in a long, narrow room with high ceilings, seating filled to capacity.
Suddenly the ultra slender Asian pianist appeared and took her seat. Then the first singer followed quickly to the center of the performance area.
She was an attractive young woman maybe twenty to thirty years old with long, medium brown hair.
As soon as she sang the first phrase I was taken almost to tears, my arms sizzling with goosebumps, transfigured in awe!
She was able in one instant to create a connection between the music, its meaning and audience. I observed how her exquisite vocals were perfectly synchronized to the emotions expressed.
I found myself feeling exactly what that piece was supposed to convey, yet floating above the feelings. I was having a transcendent experience.

My Vibration Was Raised – How to Raise Your Vibration For Manifestation
The concert continued in this way. One angel bird after another, leading me steadily to higher and higher levels of bliss.
I had left the day to day behind. Somehow I was floating higher in a healthy, blissful and holistic glow.
Later I thought about this. What is this feeling? What does it mean? Is this related in any way to metaphysics or spirituality?
Can cultivation of such experiences help people in any way other than the sheer pleasure and joy of it?

What Is This Feeling? How to Raise Your Vibration For Manifestation
Finally I found the answer.
When we experience exquisite singing, music, dance or art we experience transcendence. The transcended state is one of higher vibration.
“Transcendence is the act of rising above something to a superior state. If you were at a concert where the rock star jumped into the audience, the concert (and audience) may have achieved a state of transcendence.” Taken from HERE.
This other article goes on to describe other ways to experience transcendence.
- “Being out in nature
- Engaging in some form of religious or spiritual practice
- Meditating
- Making music or listening to music
- Using certain psychoactive drugs
- Having a near-death experience.”
Some of my mediumship work creates in me a feeling of transcendence when spirit delivers an emotional and beautiful life or otherside session.

About Transcendence
Transcendence feels like a “peak experience, flow, clear light, objective consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Experience, Mystic Experience, The Numinous, or Objective Consciousness.” Taken from HERE.
After this singing concert I was running around telling everyone I had had a peak experience and I was hungry for more! Two days later I attended an outdoor jazz concert which offered me another peak experience.
I have noticed in myself the more “Peak Experiences” I have the more they increase. It is as if I have become attuned to bliss and have a nose for it now.

So if you want to improve your manifestation by raising your vibration begin to seek out transcendent experiences in the ways explained above.
If you choose music play it before you do your manifestation practice.
Your manifestation will become much easier.
Spirit Medium Laura
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