Do you sometimes get tired of waiting for a psychic to read for you? Perhaps you want to save money right now and just need a quick answer. Maybe you would like to begin reading for others. Well, reading tea leaves is an easy way to get started with this.
Here are the steps.
1. Put tea leaves in tea cup.
2. Pour hot water into the cup.
3. Hold tea cup and concentrate on your question while tea is brewing.
4. Drink the tea leaving a little moisture at bottom with the tea leaves.
5. Put a napkin on the saucer.
6. Cover the tea cup with napkin/saucer.
7. Turn upside down.
8. Leave for a few minutes to allow the moisture to be absorbed by the napkin.
9. Pick up the cup.
10. Inside the tea leaves will create visual images which will suggest stories, feelings and plots. This is where the creativity should begin.
11. Allow yourself to really let loose at this point and create an answer for your question from what you see.
For example, if you see everything is chaotic and looks like a bomb went off, the answer to your questions would probably be “no” or “not at this time”. If you see something that looks like a garden you might think that things will take root and grow as the answer to your question. If you see the image of a rose you might think of love.
Let yourself be free with this and really roam. Let yourself be creative.
The key to being creative and letting go is to remember, no answer is wrong. Whatever you get is right. The more you remember this in all your intuitive adventures the more you will receive answers that bring you peace, comfort and closure.
Additional Guidelines:
1. If boiling tea spills this is a positive sign.
2. Strong tea means a relationship will get stronger. A weaker tea means a relationship will get weaker.
3. Two spoons on the saucer means two of something, like the birth of twins or pertaining to twins.
4. Leaves closer to the rim of the cup is the present. Base of the cup is the future.
If you are looking for answers and want someone else to read for you, contact Laura Mendelsohn at 954 465 7338 or You will be amazed at your reading and the answers you get.