How to Sell Anything with LOVE. Learn a simple method to move from rage to relating to get what you want in sales and personal relationship.
When you learn how to sell with love, your life will change. You will learn how to intuitively serve the needs of others, while serving yourself.
This is a win win way to sell, so everyone gets what they want, including you.
This can be used with your significant other, your children, parents, patients, clients, business prospects and anyone with whom you interact.
I have been trained in sales by one of the most successful software companies in the world, Microsoft Corporation.
As well, I learned a lot about using intuition for persuasion when dealing with a love relationship that went wrong.
Both methods, selling or persuasion, are similar. I will use sales terminology, but all the steps mentioned below can be used in personal relationships.
Here are the steps which follow the acronym L-O-V-E.
L = LEARN about the situation your prospect (relationship) is in. You are searching for the problems they have or the need they have in order to exchange something or buy from you. This learning builds connection and trust, as you are demonstrating interest and empathy for your prospect. As well, you are learning how to map what they want into what you want. This is done by asking questions that start with the words “what, where, when, why, how.”
O = OPEN the need behind the problem your prospect (relationship) is trying to solve. Ask the question, “So why do you need this?” Even if the reason they think they need something does not make sense to you, it is your golden key to making the sale. People do not buy on the basis of practical. They buy on the basis of what they FEEL is practical. Buying is subjective.
V = VERBALIZE the close. Once you know what they need, it is time to test close the sale. So you must now ask questions like, “So if you had this or that would you buy, exchange this or that from me?’ Once you get a yes, you can close the sale.
E = ENGAGE the sale. Make a sales offer. This is what you are willing to give in order to give them what they want, need and desire. This can include negotiation, refinement and finally conclusion.

How to Sell Anything in Personal Relationships
Above I focused on selling from the perspective of business, but what if you wanted to use this in a personal relationship? How would this look?
I have had success in using this in a personal love relationship that was failing.
After we had a break up, I struggled to understand what I did wrong. I realized after wards that when I wanted to needed something, instead of understanding my partner’s needs, I would go into a tantrum of rage to force my partner to do what I wanted.
Forcing your partner, parent or child to do what you want because you are angry, is not productive. All it does is build resentment, resistance and finally retreat.
After I lost my relationship I tried to get it back, by using another approach. I began to ask questions about what my partner wanted, why he wanted it and what I could do to address his needs.
Then after learning and listening I would begin to open some possible solutions based on what I desired.
Finally, I would verbalize a possible plan. If he agreed we came to agreement. If he did not we went back to learning again until we came to agreement.
Ultimately this did not bring back my ex, but it did teach me a boatload about effective communication, persuasion and negotiation, as well as, awaken my personal power.
By listening to your partner, child or friend and giving them what they think they need, you are using the empathy of LOVE to make a connection to closure.
Never give up your power to anger, rage, tantrums or otherwise. Rage and anger mean you feel powerless.
We are all powerful. We can get what we want in relationships, business and life, by learning how to influence with the empathy of LOVE.
DISCLAIMER. If you are trying to negotiate with a bully, dictator or someone with narcissistic personality disorder this will not work, but most of the time with a healthy person it does.
Spirit Medium Laura