How to Set Intention for manifestation like a guru master. Learn how to use scientifically proven techniques for miraculous results. Choose to have such a session in private with Spirit Medium Laura.
Laura calls this type of session MANIFESTING in the QUANTUM FIELD. Book your proven intention manifestation session with Laura HERE.
If you have been trying to manifest conditions into your life, now is the time to learn about Lynn McTaggart and her scientific discoveries about consciousness, setting intention and altruism.
Lynn McTaggart, a reporter has brilliantly and valiantly led an effort to prove what she had begun to observe in some of her research.
She began to see cases of spiritual healing so compelling she was led to explore the phenomenon.
This is covered through painstaking research in her book, “The Field.”
Here is a synopsis of “The Field,” on I created a playlist of four videos below.
The Intention Experiment
Her next book, “The Intention Experiment,” reflects how she and a team of prominent scientists began to conduct experiments to prove intention can affect reality.
The results were amazing. For example in one experiment a group of intention masters focused on a seed to see if they could make it grow. Indeed the chosen seed did grow! This experiment done in conjunction with Dr. Gary Schwartz of Arizona State University was done over ten times with similar results.
Here is a synopsis of Living With Intention on There are 8 audios in a playlist.
Her latest book, “The Power of Eight,” makes some significant discoveries, taking these ideas farther along.
This book describes how a small group of about 8 can create extraordinary healing for participants in the group.
The biggest takeaway from this experiment is that those giving the healing were healed as well as if not better than those receiving the healing.
Lynn calls this altruism. I call this ONENESS.
When we enter the state of oneness we “let go” of wanting. We become one with everything and therefore have what we want already.
Being in ONENESS is the miracle elixir of successful manifestation of intentions.
How to Run Your Own Power of Eight Group
If you would like to run your own “Power of Eight,” group you can do so by following the steps outlined in this video. As well, you can go to Lynn’s website to ask to join one HERE or the Facebook Group to request joining one.
Accompanying tools for power of eight groups are meditation music and instructions on how to power u.p

I have decided to offer a smaller version of this in client settings.
Enjoy an GURU MANIFESTING session with me.
Here is what I do in client sessions:
- Define what it is you really want, so your goal is specific, not general. More specific goals manifest infinitely better than general goals..
- Define a visual of what this would look like.
- Do the same two steps for someone you know. This will provide the altruism or oneness when we do the meditation below.
- Play meditation music.
- Power you up into a psychic connection with me with theta breathing exercise.
- Mentally hold the intention in a visual meditation of you achieving your goal, then the other person achieving his or her goal, for a few minutes.
- Come back into the room.
If you would like a GURU MANIFESTING SESSION go to and schedule your session.
Wishing you all the best in your journey through life!
Spirit Medium Laura