How to Surrender Spiritually. This channeled piece reveals the exact steps to access the miracle of surrender.
How to Surrender Spiritually
Ever try to fix something but no matter what you do, it just keeps getting worse?
Surrender is one of the most powerful miracle tools available to you. Surrender is not giving up or negating your responsibility.
Surrender is Letting Go of the struggle to control or resolve something on your own. It is handing your problem up to a Higher Power.
When you are trying to bring something into your life and you only use your mind, body and physical resources to attain this goal you are limiting your resources.

From Nothing Came Something. How to Surrender Spiritually
I have spoken many times about the miracles in which we live in this physical world. From nothing at the birth of this physical universe has come animate conscious beings, diverse biology, and complex life forms.
Here is a link to an article I wrote on Worthiness about a year ago, which mentions this concept.
What is Life? Focus on an acorn for example. Within it is the blueprint to grow an entire tree which then in turn feeds animals, produces oxygen and fertilizes the soil.
Consider a human life. It starts as a fertilized egg, a tiny zygote, which splits and divides until a human being is created.
From where did all of these blueprints come? What is this intelligence that creates life from nothing?
This is the Infinite Intelligence some call God. This genius is available to you to reach goals, resolve life problems and live in the flow of divine abundance.
It is a healing energy of unlimited power.

Solving Life Problems Alone: How to Surrender Spiritually
Today I was attempting to solve a big life problem on my own.
It is not like I do not know about Surrender. I have even channeled an entire life abundance system, book and course, based on this concept called Soul Abundance.
I thought I knew about how to Surrender.
However, as I sat in meditation attempting to Surrender this problem to a higher power, I was missing something.
For some reason, perhaps my ego trying to take control out of fear, I blocked how to surrender right out of my process to manifest a condition in my life.
I was fighting the process of creation.

Channeled Steps- How to Surrender Spiritually
This motivated me to channel the Steps from “The Ones,” to see what would be expressed.
The following will reveal the exact steps to shift from trying to control something to allowing it to be healed by a divine creative source beyond our individual control.
Let’s Begin.
Spiritual Guides how does one actually Surrender?
Is there an exact step to take beside simply praying or asking? Is there something more to be done? How is this done?
Surrender is the plan. The method is to literally let go of trying to solve the problem.
Each day you must state to the universe what you need, want or desire. then state right after that “I ask that you handle this for me. I ask that you, infinite consciousness, create the solution.
I am here to be used by you in solving this problem, but I need to be led. I await your instructions.”
This Is Called Letting Go.

Right after this request, this direction, go and do something pleasant. Clear your mind of worry.
If you like music then play what you like.
If you enjoy sports go watch or play a game.
Seek to fill your time with things that bring you joy so you can release your worry to a higher power waiting to take action to resolve the situation for you.
This is Called Open Joy

After this second step, which we call Opening JOY, you will find things will happen. You will be led.
You might get a phone call, or a message of some sort from someone with a clue, offer or help.
Simply be alert to opportunities as they present. If you are led to do something go and do it.
Do not hold back, using JOY as your major compass moving forward.
If you are feeling inspired to do something, do it!
You then allow the universe to resolve the issue for you.
You cannot sit back and be worried, concerned or upset.
This will not help you.
You must follow JOY throughout the day and into the night. You must be aware of joy and use it to your advantage.
This is Called Vibrate JOY.

You see JOY is a higher vibration from which creation occurs. Joy is the powerful vibration of creation.
Never underestimate the power of joy and what happens when you reside in its magical elixir. Things clear up for you, allowing new solutions to emerge.
This is Called Emerge Solution.

Do these steps every day at least one time per day, preferably in the evening before sleep. You can add another session again in the morning when you awake.
Do the asking every day, but then fill the day with joy.
This brings the solution.
These steps
- Let Go in Prayer
- Open Joy
- Vibrate Joy
- Emerge solution
This Spells LOVE

LOVE is the creation matrix. The energy you receive when you Let Go and allow a higher power to handle the solution for you is miraculous.
This power goes beyond the capability of the human mind alone. This is Universal Consciousness. It is the power behind all things that exist.
The Ones through Spirit Medium
I hope this was helpful to you. I am now going to do the steps myself exactly as directed.
Sending love and light to you!
Book your private session with Spirit through Laura at
Thanks Ivette, Appreciate your reaching out. I have found this channeled message helpful too for myself. Your words are very important b/c they actually lead me forward in the work I do. Love & light, Laura
Good morning Laura, thanks for sharing the article on how to Surrender Spiritually. I found it very helpful, as I try to “solve” a big life problem. I couldn’t have come across it at a more appropriate time! God Bless you for all you do :)