How to Talk to a Spirit of a Loved One.
Yes, it is possible for you to talk to the spirit of a loved one.
Here is a brief story of how I was able to talk to my beloved cat after she slipped through my fingers beyond the veil. This story is relevant to all contact with spirits of loved ones on other side, not just animals.
My younger cat, Sabrina, suddenly screamed in front of me one night about 12am. I was getting ready to go to bed.
After her scream her head stretched out in front of her as she gasped for air. I noticed in shock as her face was turning blue.
In horror I observed her as she began crawling along the wall. Reflecting later I realize she must have been seeking a place to hide as she was in pain and frightened.
I went to fetch her carrying case as I nervously searched for a veterinarian open 24 hours a day.
Finally after the exam, the fateful news was delivered to me by a very professional veterinarian. Euthanasia was recommended as she had experiences an aneurysm to her heart.
She would not be able to live if taken off the life support of oxygen.
I was devastated, shocked and all alone. They brought her out of the clinic into a private room where I waited.
As the veterinarian prepared the injection, I felt a surge of energy as her soul left her body.
I believe she went to spirit before they even euthanized her.
The next morning after a terrible night of grief, loss and shock, I was awakened by a loud meow. As I awoke I looked to the floor next to my bed.
There she was, apparently saying to me, “Wake up stupid, I am still here and want your attention so I can say goodbye!”
As soon as I heard and saw her, she vanished.
When we are in a waking dream state we can “see” the astral world. This is called lucid dreaming or out of body (OBE) experience.
Unfortunately, over the two years or so since she has been gone, I have not had any dreams or contact from her.
Many of you may be saying, well isn’t that normal? After all she is just a cat.
I beg to differ. In clear mediumship sessions I have done with animals they come through just as clearly as humans channeling their thoughts in full sentences and coherent thinking patterns.
No difference.
As well, I have received over and over communications in dreams from my other cat even without asking for them.
But this cat I never heard from again.
So one day about two weeks ago, missing this cat deeply, I looked up at the ceiling and cried out loud, “Please Sabrina come visit with me. Come say ‘hello’ to me in a dream or however you can.”
I said it with all the feeling of missing her I could, not thinking if it would work or not. Simply wanting to see her again and express the love I have for her.
As I write this now, I cry. Who would ever think a human could love a cat or any other species, so much?
That, my friends, is the issue. When Sabrina was on earth I did not express this love completely.
Everything was taken for granted. Now gone, I missed her terribly.
After asking for some communication from her I forgot all about it.
Then a couple of days ago the last dream of the night before awakening, I had a visitation.
It took a bit of reflection over the dream before I realized it was one.
This is important for you to know.
If you go about your life, unconscious, not paying attention to your dreams or your feelings, you probably will overlook the contact(s) you are receiving from spirit.
The dream I had is an example of what I mean.
In this dream I was with a girlfriend. This woman was a composite of two people I know both of whom symbolize friendly behavior and have cats.
As I visited with this woman, I knew that I had visited her before in a dream to see this cat.
Remembering I had a previous dream while in this dream suggests to me that I had had a visitation before BUT DID NOT RECOGNIZE or REMEMBER IT!
So I had to have the visitation again in this dream.
Finally I asked this friend, “Can I see the cat?”
She left the room we were in to fetch this slightly fluffy orange oversized cat to greet me.
As I petted this cat I felt this tremendous love transmitted between us. It was like feeling God, eternity and everything in between all at once.
Then I awoke.
I remembered everything about the dream. Even though the cat did not look exactly like my Sabrina, she did possess the salient qualities of her.
As I reflected on the dream, I realized this was Sabrina.

Finally I realized the Spiritual Guides facilitated the connection, bringing her in from a “holding area” on the other side into my dream. This is how facilitation occurs.
It is not easy for a soul to step into your dream. It takes skill.
The soul is helped to step into the dream from the other side by experienced guides, unless the soul knows how to do this by itself.
The takeaway from this is when you want contact you at times have to ask for it, then pay attention to your dreams.
The more you pay attention, the more you will remember until finally you synchronize your conscious mind to your subconscious.
This allows you to have greater access to your dreams for otherside contact, and healing to happiness in all aspects of your life.
Spirit Medium Laura