How you create your reality. A simple plan to get control of your creation process by tuning in on your feelings, then releasing control.
How YOU Create YOUR Reality!
Ugh! I know it is difficult to fathom. All of this stuff around, even our personal life experience, is a creation of our consciousness.
We are creators of our reality according to personal and group consciousness, thoughts and beliefs.
So, what does this mean?

This could mean you adopted the belief “It is difficult to find love,” if you have heard someone in your life say this or live this.
According to this hypothesis of reality, you would create that experience in your life.
When I was younger my older sister had a miserable experience with love from the opposite sex. Our father had to leave for World War II when she was still a baby.
When he returned my parents had grown apart. She was raised without a father for the first ten years of her life, in dire poverty, moving from town to town, and even in the care of Nuns when my mother could not take care of her.
My father and mother did return to marital framework finally bringing in two more children, but by that time, the pattern had been set in my sister’s subconscious.
Her belief then was LOVE is HARD to FIND.
I watched from the vantage of a younger sister as my older sibling lived out this belief. My sister seemed to be addicted to finding love.
As her subconscious took over and began to project into her experience she lost the love of her life because of my father’s dictum. He did not approve of the man my sister wanted to marry.
So after this medieval incident, my sister seemed to be awash in a flood of fools until finally she found a man to marry.
Not the man of her dreams, but at least one to marry and make a family.
After this man died suddenly after about ten years of marriage, my sister became a widow.
What did she do in this state?
You guessed it. She continued to create a life that reflected her belief that it is difficult to find love.
After twenty years of this mastery of misery, she finally had an epiphany.
She let go of this belief, stating to herself she would simply be in the sea of life, not having any expectation at all about love.
She would simply live her life in as loving a way as possible for herself!
What do you think then happened?
Yep. The man of her dreams from her early years turned up unexpectedly in her life. They fell in love again and got married!
So how the heck do you change your belief systems to those which support what your heart (soul) wants for you?
Here are the steps so YOU Create YOUR Reality, Channeled from the Ones.
- You listen to your heart.
- Find out what you really want. If you are not sure then simply spend time each day feeling what you feel until what you really want is shown to you.
- Spend time in contemplating your heart.
- Your heart is the most holy part of you. It is your soul’s way of speaking to you.
- Allow the right circumstances to meet you. After you spend time each day listening to what you really want, focusing on it, without concern for its manifestation, your life will begin to change.
- Things will come to you. All you need to do is listen to you heart for this to start happening.
- Do not try to control things. As you go through this process you might be tempted from the drive of ego fear to control what is happening. Better to simply ride the wave of what does unfold. Spirit has been activated in its creation process as you complete this exercise. It is wise and wonderful, magical and powerful. Do NOT interfere with spirit!
- Open to experience, not isolation or acceptance. Continue your process of living your life. Do not isolate yourself or accept your existing circumstances as the only reality possible for you. ENGAGE IN LIFE!
- Open your heart to change. When change points its head at you as spirit does its creation work, you might feel tempted to stop what is happening. We as your guides do not recommend this. We suggest you GO with the FLOW!
- Allow your life to live itself. After a while of completing this process it will be as if your life has a will of its own. You will be led on your path. Enjoy this process. IT IS MIRACULOUS!
End of channeling.
Wow. Well, I could use a good heap of this advice myself, for it is the human’s mind that wants to control, blocks its feelings, holds back on allowing a discourse with a deeper part of the self that speaks the soul’s truth.
Starting today I will listen to my heart more. And you?
Spirit Medium Laura
Further Study….
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