IDEAL WEIGHT: Mindful is Key
After many years of a multiple size closet of clothes, I have finally solved the mystery of maintaining my ideal weight. I am truly amazed, as I have never been able to maintain my ideal weight this long.
It is not hard, either. I usually eat what I want when I want to eat it. But here is the rub. I only want to eat foods that make me feel good, and nourish me. I am more in tune with what I am eating, when I am eating and the consequences of eating it.
[By the way the cat in this photo looks just like my fat cat Sabrina before she arrived at her ideal weight. So funny to find a picture that looks identical to my unique looking fat cat. Strange coincidence!]
Is eating an entire chocolate cake by myself (and I have) worth the way I am going to look and feel afterwards? There are times when I don’t care and just gorge on something that makes me feel rotten and bloated afterwards. However, now I choose to do it if I have consciously decided the cake high is worth the payment. :)
One of the first steps to finding and maintaining your ideal weight is to be in touch with your body. When I ingest, I think clearly about what I am eating. How will this or that food make me feel afterwards.
The simple act of mindful awareness has brought me to my ideal body weight. There are many more details some of which I delineate below, but the main thing I have done is pay attention to how I feel.
This is not just a body thing. It is a spiritual thing. The more aware of how you feel about work, relationships, foods, living environment the more you begin to live consciously, making healthy, loving choices towards yourself.
There is some channeling below which goes into the self love part of this, so I will leave that for later.
Here are some of the practical choices I make to feel good.
LOTS OF GREEN FOOD. I want my digestion to work, my aging to go slowly and my body to offer peak performance, so I include a lot of green leafy non starchy vegetables. I usually eat about three times as many non starchy fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits than I do no fiber protein or starchy foods.
NOT MUCH WHITE STUFF (especially with fats). I eat very little empty sugary, starchy foods and especially if they are combined with fats at the same sitting.
OMEGA 3 FAT IS FINE. Recent research states that it is healthy to eat fats (book, “Eat Fat Get Thin” by Dr. Mark Hyman) especially if they are Omega 3 fats (walnuts, flax seed, grass fed beef, free range chicken, wild caught salmon, etc.) rather than Omega 6 fats (grains, grain fed livestock, trans fats, oils found in processed foods in the Standard American Diet).
As a vegetarian I could eat a pound of pistachio nuts and not gain weight. However, if I combined the nuts with empty carbohydrates or Omega 6 fats weight started to attach to my limbs.
FULLNESS NOTED. I pay attention to how I feel when I eat. I hate to feel bloated and full, so when I eat I pay attention to how full I feel when I am eating the food.
This combined with eating a lot of soluble fiber automatically limits the quantity of food. Slowing down and being mindful while ingesting is helpful to feel your fullness.
NUMBNESS is FATTENING. Most of us go about our life in a state of numbness. So many times we ignore our feelings, not only of stomach fullness, but how foods make us feel after eating them.
This is true for relationships with other humans, our work, even our belief systems.
For many years I would drink at least two glasses of wine (a sugar) with dinner. I thought, well, I’m Italian. This is what Italians do. They drink wine with the meal.
Meanwhile I could not sleep at night. I was exhausted the next day at work. I rarely ever had mental clarity until afternoon, but by then found my mood irritable and impatient.
When I finally became aware enough to see how this was affecting me, I started to cut back. I first cut back by thinking about my appointments the next day. If I had a lot I would not drink.
Then as I saw how this improved how good I felt, I started to cut back just because I wanted to feel good. Now I hardly drink at all. If I do it is minimal.
I enjoy feeling good more than I enjoy feeling a buzz.
So it is with most things we do in our life. Mindful awareness is integral to success.
PAY ATTENTION. I am going to suggest the first step in finding ideal weight is to pay attention to how you feel the next day from what you ate the day before.
Certain foods are going to be body friendly and nurture optimal performance. Other foods are going to make you feel dizzy, dopey and downright dingy.
As you discover the foods that truly nourish you, add more of them into your life. Reduce those foods that leave you feeling drained, dopey and dingy after eating them.
Maintaining ideal weight is more than looking good. It is feeling GREAT!
Here is some Channeling on Ideal Weight.
Dear Spirit Guides what do you think those on earth should know about ideal weight today?
The idea that there is an ideal weight or body pattern is an interesting one at that. There is no ideal weight for any one person. There is only what they weigh and what it means to them.
Some people are meant to be heavier than others for karmic expression and will. They need to experience what they experience in the body so their soul can evolve.
If one is carrying excess poundage on the physical form they are learning lessons about self awareness, self nurturing and self love.
There is nothing right or wrong about this. There is only opportunity to grow as a soul with heightened awareness of how food as a metaphor for love is involved.
Love cannot come from food, physical food. It can only come from source, God source energy.
So if one is involved in a pattern of physical abuse in over saturating the body with food intake one needs to create a better relationship with their self love, which can only come from God love.
They need to love themselves more and can do that with the help of a higher power. We as your guides can help with this by involving ourselves in your day to day life patterns. Ask us for help in everything you do.
You will find that we will help you become more aware of what you are doing to cause certain effects in your life so you can make conscious choices and decisions for enhanced living and life.
Food is not a substitute for love. God is love.
Spirit Medium Laura channeling The Ones.”
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