SOUL ABUNDANCE.  If you need help with eliminating underlying emotional karmic reasons for excess weight, please call upon me.   Using a Clairvoyant Healer technique spirit has taught me I can spiritually “xray” you, review and release blocks, to realize an empowered you.

When one is cleared of karmic blocks and aligned with their soul it is much easier to find abundance, even in the area of our body and health.  Ideal weight is within your reach.

It totally amazes me but at the ripe of age of 60 something I have a better body than ever before.  How did this happen?  Was it an accident?

Well, partly.  I have had health problems for a number of years.  I was always very tired and since 2010 I have had a recurring virulent upper respiratory infection on the average of 3 to 4 times a year.

On my quest to find a solution I discovered the whole idea of eating greens, vegetables and juicing.  This led to becoming a vegetarian and a vegan.

Since my personal value system is in conflict with eating the flesh of another living creature, I decided this would be great for me.  I decided to go vegetarian, perhaps vegan, to increase my energy, improve my health and finally live in harmony with this spiritual value.

A funny thing happened as I explored this way of eating.  I lost weight.  I was not intending to lose weight and frankly thought I was thin enough.

To my amazement the scale kept on going down and I did not feel hungry.  Some days it seemed I ate constantly, yet the scale which I used every morning reflected more weight had evaporated.

I started to think maybe I had an illness, cancer perhaps.  How could I, who had never been below 120 pounds, now weight in at 114 pounds in a seemingly effortless fashion.

Now I do eat fish and fowl at times because I got sick again.  But I eat this minimally because again my personal value is to not eat flesh of another living creature.

[Incidentally I have solved the problem of getting ill and having low energy with a protocol for Epstein Barr.  If you are interested just contact me or look up the healing protocol for Epstein Barr on this page HERE.]

IDEAL WEIGHT SOLUTION – What I do (I weight 115 pounds at 5’5″ tall and maintain it).

REAL food.  If man had a hand in making it you should not.  Avoid processed.  Enjoy real.

DIET (this was taken from my IDEAL WEIGHT page HERE)
1.  AVOID ADDED FAT or FRIED FOODS.  AVOID SUGARS (ALCOHOL IS SUGAR, white carbs, pastries, white flour, candy, cake, ice cream, etc.)
2.  INCREASE FIBER & WATER.  Vegetables, brown rice, whole grains, sweet potato, white potato, legumes, nuts, seeds, beans, vegetable proteins, etc.
2.  1 SALAD per day.  At least one large salad per day.
3.  2-3 CUPS COOKED GREENS per day.  One from leafy green category (spinach, kale, etc.).  One from cruciferous category (brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.)
4.  FRUIT.  1 – 3 servings of low glycemic fruit fresh fruit (ex. berries, apples, pears, cherries, plums, strawberries), 3 servings totally half your weight in grams (ex. weight 120, eat 60 grams of protein) of lean high quality of protein per day.
5.  LEAN PROTEIN.  4 to 8 ounces per meal (size of palm of your hand).  You need half your weight in protein grams per day.  Protein Sources in order of health priority:  Vegetarian (organic beans/legumes combined with whole grains combined with nuts/seeds), organic grass fed dairy, organic free range eggs, wild caught fish, free range fowl, grass fed beef, etc.
6.  AVOID ALL PROCESS FOODS.  They encourage belly fat and other weight gain body creates fat to protect organs from the chemicals.  I believe processed foods are designed to make you fat with addictive cravings and biochemical toxicity.
7.  GO VEGETARIAN.  This is how I lost all my weight.
8.  WEIGH YOURSELF DAILY even after achieving your ideal weight.    This increases awareness to manage goal attainment as well as maintenance.
9.  EXERCISE for 30 -60 minutes daily in combination of resistance (yoga, weight training, calisthenics, etc.) and aerobic exercise (ex. walking, running, dancing, swimming, sports, martial arts, fencing, etc.)
10.  SUPPLEMENTS.  A high quality green food supplement such as Juice Plus or Juice Festiv or its equivalent, a high quality Omega 3, and other organic food based supplements according to your needs.
11.  REST/ AVOID STRESS.  Meditation, getting enough sleep, yoga, nature walks, choices, etc.
12.  HORMONES.  I take herbs to balance my hormones such as Vitex and Pueraria Mirifica.  Have your endocrine system and sexual hormones measured to ensure they are functioning properly.  If not, come up with a plan to balance with your physician.


Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private session with Laura HERE.