How to improve your imagination and visualization ability for miraculous living. Creatively manifest your dreams & develop psychic ability.

Early Psychic Development Training: How to improve your imagination and visualization ability
Recently I remembered an early class I took in mediumship development. I found someone who advertised she taught mediumship, but instead she took us through an initiate program.
In effect this program developed our imagination.
At first I thought, “What the heck is this?” I want to talk to people in spirit. I don’t see how all of this has ANYTHING to do with that.”
But forge forward I did for these reasons.
- I had no one else with which to study.
- I felt an urgency to develop my mediumship skills. I knew it was time.
- The teacher boasted having graduated from Delphi Institute, a highly respected University of Spiritual Studies.
I just knew I had to do this. Believe me this was not an easy decision to make, as she charged $100 for each class about 20 years ago!
So there I was in her home going through this very tedious exercise every day class was held.
She would bring out the next chapter in the huge book she had from her study. She would find the exercise and then divulge its steps and goal to us.
Now, looking back I realize these exercises were like a training gym for the imagination.
My recall is very vague, so consider this a rough sketch of what it actually was.

The Actual Imagination Building Exercises. How to improve your imagination and visualization ability
We began by imagining we were in front of a mystical magical mansion. We were given a loose situation and a problem to solve.
Then we would go into quiet meditation and write down what the characters in the plot did and how we solved a problem. Then we would share our story with the teacher and other students.
This went on for 20 days.
You can recreate this exercise yourself.

Manifesting with Your Imagination. How to improve your imagination and visualization ability
Here is a video from youtube I chose because it can help you improve your imagination to creatively manifest the life of your dreams.
Your psychic mind is the same as your manifesting mind! So why not combine their development with this exercise?
Creativity and Imagination Exercises
Here are three exercises way to develop your imagination. This is a great video!
How to Develop Your Imagination On Your Own. How to improve your imagination and visualization ability.
I would recommend writing a new story every day. If you do not have time to create a story, then make it a fast story like about one to three minutes long.
Example of a Quick Story. How to improve your imagination and visualization ability.
I woke up this morning. I was tired. I quickly got on my flying motorcycle to explore my neighborhood to help me wake up.
On my trip I found a new waterfall around the block. It was under a huge rainbow.
I sat under the rainbow and ate a watermelon salad. When I was done, I flew home.
You see, developing your imagination does not have to take long, cost a lot of money or require more than the intention to do so.
How to Improve Your imagination and Visualization Ability With a Little More Structure
If you need a little more structure, watch a fun movie, read a new book or any story that engages you.
Assign yourself the task to recreate the each scene, creating a new or different outcome.
Do this for the entire plot.

How Developing Your Imagination is Used By Spirit.
Recently I did a discernment (mediumship session) for a new client. I sensed she had a husband in spirit, but I had trouble kick starting the “conversation” with him.
When I do mediumship I literally am in a telepathic conversation with the person in spirit. It is like they are in the room with me, just in different form.
So I asked him how he transitioned. He kept trying to tell me, but each time I would feel a block.
Finally he decided to send me a picture.
I saw a man hanging from a noose. Gulp! How could I say that to his wife, my client?
I was at a standstill. Finally I realized he did not commit suicide because everything else around the situation did not support that, so I used my imagination to figure this out.
I realized he was trying to tell me he choked.

The more you develop your creative imagination the more you will get from spirit.
Enjoy every morsel of your precious imagination. It is priceless.
It can help you develop as a medium, create new things in your life and even manifest something out of nothing!
The only thing you really need in life is your imagination. Everything else will follow.
Spirit Medium Laura