The work of a psychic medium can be quite interesting. One of the big issue that has come up recently is how do stop receiving psychic information when it is not desired.
I received a phone call to go to the house of person who was “seeing” dead people in her home. Since a well respected paranormal investigation team had recently validated there indeed was “activity” in her home, I accepted the assignment.
Upon arrival I immediately picked up the fact she had been the victim of abuse as a child on two to three extremely invasive levels. Yes, there were unwanted ghosts in her home. But she was bothered by them because she could not turn off her paranormal vision. In contrast, her husband, was not bothered by them.
Not only did I follow the normal protocol of doing a spiritual house cleansing, but I also recommended she do some work on herself. This would help her not be so “over run” by pesky uninvited spirit house guests.
I recommended she get EMDR treatment. This is a technique similar to the REM we experience when we dream during sleep. Psychologists use it to help patients heal traumatic events. It engages a brain synchronization sequence, which allows reprocessing of a traumatic event.

After doing this successful house cleansing I taught a class. During the class the same issue came up.
“How do I stop receiving unwanted psychic information? It can be troubling to be overrun with information I do not want to know.”
During the class, my friend and colleague,, explained how to do alternative nostril breathing to integrate both sides of the brain. Then I explained an eye training exercise to do the same thing.
The theory being, if you train your brain hemispheres to work in unison you will have more control over your cognitive resources.
Using both hemispheres of the brain is an extremely potent tool. You can enhance your intelligence, creativity, problem solving, healing, insight, inventiveness and so on. It is postulated most of the great artists, thinkers, philosophers and other accomplished individuals use both hemispheres of their brain.

So why not increase your use of both sides of your brain? Here are a few ways how.
- Visual:
- Eye Arc. Close your eyes. Stare at the vision field in front of you. Move your eyes to the right. Slowing trace your eyes along the arc from the right along the top of your vision field to the left. Reverse this slowly. Do for five minutes or so.
- Breathing. From (friend of mine). Breath in from right nostril while holding left closed. Close right nostril and exhale from left nostril. Reverse.
- Auditory. Listen to “hemisynch” meditations. You can listen to free ones on “” or go to this link to read reviews, listen and buy one.
- Dancing. Learn a dance routine and then reverse those steps. This could also be an aerobics class where you are learning complicated routines and then reversing them.
Well, there you have it four very powerful ways to increase your intelligence, creativity by developing your intuition.