Health Medium. Inflammation Can Cause Autism and other diseases.
How Inflammation Can Cause Autism and other diseases. Learn how inflammatory foods can be the trigger for autism and other diseases.
Yesterday I was consulting with a client.
When the client asked spirit through me what caused her son’s autism and made it get worse, I immediately saw “dairy in the diet” was the problem.
Client said her son had been tested as lactose intolerant two years earlier as a point of confirming the message.
HOWEVER, I knew psychically it was more than that.
Later that day I Googled “food sensitivities and autism.” I found this confirming article on Psychology Today website. Many other articles were found too.
Brain Development. It is the CASEIN in milk that can affect brain development.
Apparently food sensitivity can do an enormous amount of harm to our children. Be aware.
INFLAMMATION AS ADULTS. It is not only children that suffer from disease due to inflammation.
Inflammation is the root of all disease including diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, obesity and cancer.
“February 2015, Scientists and researchers at the University of California San Diego proved that diabetes is caused by inflammation: they discovered that an inflammatory molecule called LTB4 causes insulin resistance.
And what does insulin resistance lead to? High blood sugar and diabetes. People with diabetes are at risk for heart attacks, cancer, high cholesterol, blindness, arthritis, and neuropathy.”
Take from, The BIG Diabetes Lie.
Those that eat an anti inflammatory diet and live an anti inflammatory life style live healthier and longer.
An anti inflammatory diet is similar to what our ancestors as hunter gatherers ate. They never drank cow’s milk, for example.
Apparently the casein in milk can cause inflammation so extreme it can affect brain development in children!
Even weight loss is associated with eating a whole food plant based anti inflammatory way.
How to Eat an Anti Inflammatory Way
If you need more explanation of this way of eating click on this picture and you will be transported to more guidelines.
Health Benefits of a Whole Food Plant Based Anti Inflammatory Diet!
The following list is taken from HERE.
- Leaner, Stronger Muscles
- Increased Energy
- Significantly More Stamina
- Clearer, Smoother Skin
- Weight Loss Results
- Better Performance and Recovery
- Stronger Immune System
- Enhanced Libido
- Greater Mental Clarity
- No More Hunger/Cravings
- Thicker, Fuller Hair
- Clear Eyes
- And So Much More!
Eating an anti inflammatory diet like Paleo is tricky. Many think it means huge amounts of meat.
The Paleolithic human ate a Whole Food Plant Based diet with some animal protein. Click on picture to learn how to do this right.

Spirit Medium Laura